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Benefits capped


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Good god no, the house prices down here at bl**** expensive for something small. Especially when you get closer to the coast (OK, I live 5 miles from the North, and about 2 from the South) so I have no choice

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Really? We're currently building 35% of all new properties as Social Housing on all developments of greater than 10 properties if its in a town or over 3 in a village.



This has turned out to be a disastrous policy in a lot of places...they did it a couple of miles from me. Off plan you could buy the apartments for £135,000, now that the 'integration' is complete you can't get £60,000 for them - it is a hellhole!  Don't know the answer...

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So, can someone explain how someone on benefits can afford £135,000 let alone £60,000. Simple answer is they can't . And that's why the private sector set rents that match housing benefits. If housing benefits drop so will rents.

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Poor,poor woman on TV news :(

.When questioned what she would do when her benefit is capped at 25K. 

Poor woman said she would try to cut down on gas,try to cut down on electricity and try to cut down on food shopping.....what the devil...

Why doesn`t the lazy c@w TRY and get a job like the rest of us. :arse:

Why should benefit scroungers get more than the average wage and that`s more than anyone who works for me gets ?

On way back from Mexico was a fat family going on and on about government not doing enough for them.

YES!!! In airport on returns from an all inclusive holiday to MEXICO!!! 3 adults, 5 children she worked hours required for maximum benefits, so did the other bird and the bloke! They had maximum allowances on duty free's and this meant more weight than my suitcase... But did not have to pay extra. I could go on all day about them. Poor family, having to cut down. May have to go on holiday's less than £1200 per person! I work, pay taxes.., so does wife. My monthly deductions are £300 more than my take home, tax, Ni and CSA for sons I've not seen as mother had an affair and is now married to him... Too long a story to put here! (But many moons have passed and life's great now)...


I'll leave it there!

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Change of tone.

Benefits should not be capped, some people actually need them and this could have implications for these people!

However, if you're married I believe you should have a decent tax reduction, if you own your own house... Etc. the model citizen should not be supporting dossers! I feel that people doing right get punished and people doing nothing/wrong reap the rewards.

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Stephen, it depends on what the cap is.


The disabled need our support.


However, those able to work must have a cap on the total benefits (cash and kind) they can receive. 


Also, if they haven't got a job in say, 6 months, they should have to take whatever's going.


There is one big problem with this. Children. How do we provide for children if the cap is too low or the wage on the provided job is too low.


I think over here the benefit is in the form of food vouchers. I see young mothers pay for some of the food with vouchers. I'll have to find out how it works.

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Nobody should get £60,000 per year on benefits.


My feeling is also that you should not get more than minimum wage workers. Regardless of children. It sounds harsh but it's the sort of decisions working people have to make. The voucher idea sounds promising because I'm sure, in the worst of cases, that the money does not go to children however much it is.


My cousin is a teacher and has pupils who's after school plan is to have a baby and get a house. They're quite open about this. He's quite informed about other countries teenage pregnancy policies, and where they aren't pandered to guess what..........their young single mum rate is a fraction of ours.

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im in full support of a voucher system. with regards to children losing out i agree that no child should do without and should have exactly the same chance in life as any other child. 


the problem is people who have children when both parents are out of work. this is just wrong and im my opinion should have their child put into care until such time as you can provide for them. having children and claiming benefits is not a career!!! lets be honest these families mainly produce the scum of this earth who in turn end up living on the state. removing them from that enviroment can only be posative in the long run


for families who decide to give up work to look after your child its also simple. there is a childcare shortage in this country so register as a child minder since you enjoy looking after children that much.


there should also be more jobs left open for uk workers rather than eu workers. the amount of cafe's shops etc that i go into that do not have 1 english person working there is shocking. these jobs should firstly be offered to the unemployed and if they refuse they lose their benefits. would have to be more complicated than that and backed up so that people wouldnt be worse off but something along those lines


while on the subject i think it stinks that you can work all your life, pay taxes and save your money. then lose your job and be told your not entitle to any benefit because you have savings. 

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Not going to comment other than to say the people who sold the council houses were wrong but who bought them ?. Benefits should not exceed basic wages and folk who have cut back on outgoings who cannot manage should if possible be assisted. The rider to that being smoking, drinking, Sky TV etc etc etc would need to go before my money was released to them. Those are not essentials for life, if you want some more cash try a prt time job or doing some work which would benefit us the tax payers. Rant over, some very strong views on here our Norman, we all have them.Some of us also have the T shirts.


Bob (never bought a council house in my life) :d

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Phil, HM didn't go to work until our kids were both at school. And that was part time so she was at home when they left for school and at home when they returned. Then she worked in our new business for a few years without pay. Now she doesn't get a full pension. If she had never worked, as I understand it, she would have a full pension.


I strongly suspect that your shops are full of immigrant workers isn't about pay. It may be because the immigrants work and the Brits don't.


I've not heard that job seekers allowance is means tested. Care home costs are. My sister-in-law spent about 30 years in Israel. She came back about 6 years ago. She is complaining that she has to work until 67 before she gets a pension. A full pension. If this is true then I'm disgusted.


There are too many examples of reward for not contributing.


Finally, can someone explain why my government will not pay the cost of providing French medical care for us until we reach retirement age?

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Bob, you may have noticed that I agree.

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Can`t understand why people should not have sold their ex council houses.Were they supposed to live in them forever ? Ex council houses are lower in price so help less well off people to get on the property ladder.The vendor almost certainly purchased another home which allows the housing cycle to turn.Profit,if you can call it that,from the sale of a HOME is nothing more than a number on paper as we all know.I really can`t see the problem with buying a house and selling it for more than cost,no matter how you came by it !!!!

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Thanks Norman appreciate the support I wasn't going to rise here as its a subject I feel very very strongly about, I will not be posting again on this one - I paid max NI contributions from 1969 to present day 43 years + I believe I should receive a maximum pension as I have paid in a lot more than most. I didn't purchase a private pension as they proved to be another rip off. I do however have a fairly good works pension so can't complain at all. The rules changed a little while back and some folk now receive a state pension with far less contributions. So who is getting my share or do I have to claim pure socialism and give out my hard earned without complaint. I would not wish to see any UK pensioner suffer and believe they should be protected with free rent, heat phones etc. I do not support those folk who enter our hallowed land to gain the benefits of our wonderful country when it suits them and send most of their wages home to their families. 


Bob (and breathe) :down:

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A very very ANGRY DOG :laugh:  :laugh:

woof woof  :p

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