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What art or sports form do you admire/in awe of?

Norman Verona

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I find artists are awesome. I'm bewitched by the way someone can represent light and shade with paint as they do. I'm a huge fan of the impressionists and my favourite is Vincent.


I admire Mo Farrer, he's totally inspiring and comes across as a really nice chap. Jess Ennis is also an inspiration. Our rowers are fantastic, I think that rowing must be the most grueling of all the sports.


But the most artists I'm in awe of is songwriters. My number 1 is Joni Mitchell, second is Bob Dylan followed by Carole King and Paul Simon. Paul & John weren't bad either. I just read and listen to their words and wonder how they can have such a gift with words.


I also admire real skill in footballers. I have been a fan since I was a kid in junior school. I won't name any as it will only start a debate which will deflect from the point.


So, what's yours?

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Art is such a multi faceted craft and can be conveyed in so many mediums. I am constantly in awe at the human ability to create inspirational works from the most mundane to the most elaborate materials. The art work of a child will always be the most truthful and heart sent..

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I admire Rugby players, they have to so durable, run at a decent pace, take a battering in a scrum, maybe a bit of fisticuffs during a match and then when it's all over they shake hands with the opposition with no hard feelings between them, everything that had gone before was forgiven and forgotten.

Can't say that about Footballers at all, lost all respect for them over the last few years.  

Triathalon athletes I also admire, such a long and varied type of sport and endurance to the 'enth degree.

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Free climbers..... And anyone who can play a guitar

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Neil Armstrong and Eric Clapton



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Ditto for rugby players..... retired 2 years ago but am amazed at those that can play professional rugby.  Cricketers I admire as it must be a nightmare getting those whites clean every week. 


Racing drivers have my admiration too.  Having tried my hand at that the gulf between enthusiasm and ability to do it for a job is massive. 

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red bull aerobatics pilots

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My biggest admiration is for Doctors and Surgeons but they are not really in the list so it is some of the model makers who make fantastic replicas of many things.

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Any sports person who has developed without drugs to be world class I admire for their dedication.


But the artists I admire the most are those who are talentless but hoodwink the critics that they have something that is better than someone who can capture a scene with a brush. Tracey Emmet and Damian Hirst for example, they have become obscenly rich by using the Kings new clothes pitch. Anyone who cannot see their art is wrong and by latching on the someone like Satchie they ride the wave, that takes real skill to carry off 

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Anyone that can make a bit if wood and some wire create a beautiful sound. I played violin and cello at school for a few years. Wasn't too bad, but I was always stopped in my tracks by a good musician as a child.

Motorsports, clearly I'm here due to a passion with cars, in the past I've had many classics and motorbikes... Ducati 749s, Ducati 916r plus a couple of others. Been on track days been to club track days, lived riding distance from nurburgring and went there often. I know I'm no racing driver, but to watch things like Vettel passing Webber last week was breath taking and their dog fight was outstanding.

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Musicians who play as one with their instrument like Jools Holland.  I learnt to play piano to a decent level, but there's a different world where the instrument is just an extension to their voice and they can make it talk as easily and spontaneously.


PS: On Later with JH, he understates his talent and let's the guests perform.  I saw him and his big band live at the Albert Hall and he is soooo good and his mate on the drums, Gilson Lavis, isn't bad either!

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I'll never forget Parkinson had Stefan Grappeli and Yehudi Menuhin on. Grappeli was a real wonder but Menhuin played on an ordinary violin and then on his Stradivarius. The difference was amazing. Such a rich sound from the Strad.

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Musical   Guitarists

Artists     French impressionists

Sports     Gymnasts


Often missed in these type of discussions the good old stand up comedian, so difficult to hold an audiances attention for up to an hour on your own just the shear power of words and delivery

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