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We had a few c******ms register for the Speed Series in 2000 and 2001 - but they didn't come out to play - hopefully they will in 2002  :sheep:



Beans beans are good for your heart,

the more you eat the more you f**t

the more you f**t the better you feel

beans beans for every meal  :0  :0  :D  :D

Or so it went in our playground.............

Or did you mean another sort of bean?


Well lucky for us Dutchmen ....we stick all the sevens together in one start field :)

That means Katerhams,VM,Westfields,Sylva striker,tiger,nova, Donkervoort all together although there were 3 klasses this year. Sport for 8 valve engines, supersport for 16 valves and a seperate class for the donkervoort audi and cosworth turbo engines!

Much more fun that way although and although the bike engined cars are few in numbers there even a Sylva Furry :D

Slight mistake but if you want a look at the list you can find it at Dutch super sevens competition

and look under " competitie" and then "deelnemers" which are the competitors! You will even find an Englishman called Rory who didn't do too bad in his Katerham( i'm trying to beat these darn stars!!) :devil:

So you see I'm still looking for info on on these locost race chassis to see how they compare!!! :t-up:

You see...they didn't reply at all on their boardroom...I was hoping for more luck with the Westfield crowd!!!

regards Siert.

c******m spelled as Katerham does work :devil:


From what I've seen of LoCost chassis, I wouldn't touch one with a barge pole. c******m chassis are proved by their longevity, but I would not want to race a car which had major suspension components in single shear. Although in the event of a crash, a single shear fitting may well save most of the chassis around it, possibly saving on rebuild costs. I would have thought that a single shear arrangement was less stiff as well. A nice Westfield race chassis is definitely the way to go in my opinion. If you get the MT75 gearbox tunnel, and fit a type 9 gearbox, you can get the engine all the way back in the chassis, for better weight distribution.

Beans beans are good for your heart,

the more you eat the more you f**t

the more you f**t the better you feel

beans beans for every meal.

Let me tell you Blatman - times have changed - The word on the playground is now:

Beans beans the musical fruit,

The more you eat the more you toot!

:t-up:  :)  :)  :)  :)  :p  :p  :p  :p  :D  :D  :D  :D  :devil:


Martin, not started yet, we'll see how things go :D

Mark, yeah, I remember seeing a couple of c******ms on the entry list but they never turned up. Shame as it would have been interesting to compare times. I've got a friend in an SLR who's coming along next year and he might be dragging along a couple of fellow club members as well. Should be very interesting. The SLR fits into the road-car class on list 1 so it will be up against Guy - they'll need all the luck they can get to beat him!




Unfortunately I don't speak Dutch. Do you have a bit more info (sepc, costs etc) since I may be interested in doing some races next year.

I am currently running in the SEMSEC series in Lydden, Kent. We get a lot of, a few Westfields, a Fury and sometimes a Striker.


Sorry I don't know any of the details but if you contact the race coordinator I'm sure he cananswer any questions you might have!


good luck

regards Siert.

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