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Spotted a new trend

Paul Morcom

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These high level negotiations and peace treaty shall hereby be know as the "Pretzel Treaty"

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there we go all back to normal  :t-up:


it has been an entertaining couple of days :d

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So I reckon if I set my self up as the on-line Pretzel seller I should make a fortune in virtual money with you lot  :d  :p  :d

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Yeah, it has been entertaining and all good clean fun! :yes:


Let's NOT do it again real soon! :laugh:


I have a pretzel game all lined up for Stoneleigh - we'll see who's brave enough to enter!  Details closer to the show... :cool:

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I won't be there this year. I didn't get any pretzels last year (no complaint it was my choice)


Any chance of saving one for me?

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Of course! :t-up:

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The big difference is how they can treat animals in that way when they are clearly distressed and suffering , I dont have qualms about eating chicken or pork etc. but i like to think the animal has been despatched cleanly without having to suffer , in the real world food chain the predaters dont worry too much about the welfare of there prey ,  last week I witnessed a buzzard ripping a dove to pieces which it had just caught ,  2 mins earlier was happily feeding away in my own back garden , I dont know how much the poor dove knew about it but that's about survival and life and death in the animal world .


We so called intelligent human beings are supposed to know better   

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Must have gone into shock after seeing the pink beast

And I mean car before you start

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OK, fair enough - although I only have your car avatar in pink now, so you'll have to send me your car photo or update your avatar yourself.


Yeah, please remove my photo - not thrilled to look like Rimmer! :d

just wondering what you used to turn me pink? was it photoshop? im looking to get some software to tweek my pics of the kids etc

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Yep, Photoshop Elements, piece of cake, a two minute job changing the car colour. :).

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thanks i will have a look out for a copy  :yes:

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