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Poor guest


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Been listening to the radio this morning, one resident in Somerset giving his account of 5 accidents on the same corner outside his house since Monday. Some people are attracted to or witness accidents all the time, glad I'm not one of them.

I never witnessed an accident, other than driving by smashed up caravans and things on the M5. If you'd like to, stay here for a long week end and I can assure you of action Friday night and Monday morning!

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I really can't wait to get out of this place.

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been to longbridge today and it was alot better. 


on the way home though on the M1 i saw one lucky idiot young driver barely get away with it. in a typical fri evening queue about 30mph i was in the middle lane when some  :arse:  cut right infront of me by mm's undertook the vehicle in the outside lane and then cut him up by mm's too. because they had the driving ability of a 6 year old they then spent the next 10 secs snaking allover trying to keep control. im sure it was a girl with the style of hair but couldn't get along side to congratulate them so never got a look.


on a slightly lighter but sick note i saw some writing on van that was pure evil but i couldn't help snigger :d

the van only had the bottom half washed and on the top of the rear door it said "van washed by Stephen Hawking" evil i know but just couldnt help myself  :down:

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I can only snigger. An actual laugh or comment could worsen my luck with road gods.

Long ridge is much better, PC Dan lives just there and you were a few miles from me! If you went smelly oak direction and up to 5 ways then towards ladywood and winson green you'd had some fun!

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Dan and i are having a quick run out tomorrow morning around 10am if you fancy joining us. We will stick to the country roads out towards worcester and back. PM me if you are interested


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PM sent,

I'm ok on around brum, at least 4 times a day 4-5 days a week I drive across the city centre... 35 weeks of the year, then I drive brum -Devon most weekends, brum - Newcastle others and time to time I drive brum - aldershot... In 5 years to have been hit 3 times in brum (whist stationary) ain't too bad, run over once on a crossing and once on a pavement.

What do you think of the driving in brum Paul?


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next time your off up newcastle your welcome to pop in for a cuppa 

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