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Stoneleigh 2016 General Information


Show Dates are:

Sunday 1st & Monday 2nd May


Set-Up Day is:

Saturday 30th April



This is an “INFORMATION ONLY” thread which will remain locked but will be updated as necessary



May Day Bank Holiday heralds in the National Kit Car Show at Stoneleigh Park and the WSCC need YOUR help.


Your show organisers this year are:


·         Andy Banks aka “Andacami” – General and escalation point

·         Ian Tolfree aka “Tolf” – Marquee

·         Marcus Saich aka “Midlife Crisis” – Hall 2


Below is a “what’s on” for the WSCC at Stoneleigh in 2016 as a bit of an appetite whetter.


1 Exterior Club Marquee


The following activities will take place on the exterior club stand.


·         Westfield Avenue

·         Member Autojumble

·         Membership services

·         Our all new merchandise

·         Snack bar

·         AO display

·         Prize Draw

·         Members drop off area (helmets, coats and bags that you don’t want to carry around all day)

·         AGM Sunday 17:00

·         Post AGM catered Lamb Roast / BBQ  / Sounds (with some beer/food supplied by the WSCC for club members)

·         Cars for Sale

·         Display Cars


Manning the exterior stand.


Feedback from Members has pointed to the fact that people are unwilling to do more than two hours at a stretch on the club stands and this is fine as long as we have the numbers. The more volunteers the less we’ll all have to do.


As in previous years we have a people requirement of about 20 per day to run all the various activities. This number allows us not to commit you to any more than a two hour stint. We are also looking to boost the number of meters and greeters. This is important this year as we have a new location in Hall 3 that Members and the public will need to be directed to. It’s also something the vast majority of you spoke out about and/or agreed we should do better in 2016 – so your opportunity to make good on this is now. For more information on signing up to help, see Here.


Exterior Parking


We’ll have parking marshals to help you create Westfield Avenue and direct you into the marquee or additional display areas. If you have a car for sale, please tell the marshals and they will direct you to the marquee where you will be able to park up and display your for sale sign.


When you arrive to park up we ask that you follow the parking marshals directions as coordinating the placement of 150+ Westfields can be a little like herding cats.


For TinTops, Vans and trailers, we have secured parking opposite the WSCC camp site. You will need to come and see the organisers to obtain a pas before parking.


2 Interior Club stand


We will have a slightly reduced space in Hall 2 this year where NMS and PlaysKool will be exhibiting plus a couple of Speed Series cars.


Sponsors and Competition Cars


·         Displays by the WSCC sponsors

·         PlaysKool

·         NMS

·         Display of competition cars from the Speed Series


Manning the interior stands.


Our competition cars owners, sponsors and traders will no doubt staff themselves over the Sunday and Monday as ever but we would like to compliment this by having a bigger presence of members, not only those who are looking after their own cars but we need people to chat generally about the club and support our traders and sponsors. For more information and to sign up to help, see Here.


3 Camping


·         Free camping on the WSCC plot is available to show volunteers only

·         Electricity hook-ups available

·         It can be a quite place post show, so if you are the party type, the public area has more of a party atmosphere

·         You will only be able to camp if you have a wristband

·         Members who are NOT helping are advised to use the Public camping area or make other arrangements


Please note that the camping area is available for WSCC volunteer members only to use over the show weekend. Camping will be roped off and monitored by WSCC Members AND Stoneleigh security this year. After a few years of “issues”, this is to be strictly enforced as not managing this upsets those have the put in the effort to support the Club and it is noted and beginning to wear thin with our hosts!


More specific information can be found here.


4 WSCC Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The club’s AGM will be held on Sunday 1st May at 17:00. The venue for the AGM will be the WSCC marquee, please make ever effort to attend, it's your Club and the AGM is the opportunity for you to tell the Committee and your fellow Members what you think, what you want and what you don't like.


We will be providing additional chairs for those members who wish to sit for the meeting and will be asking all non WSCC members to vacate the marquee prior to the AGM. Please also keep all exterior noise down whilst the AGM is underway. It would be great to have some “doormen” for this please.


The first prize draw of the weekend will be at the AGM.


5 Sunday WSCC Members BBQ and Social.


As per previous years we will be holding a Social for WSCC members and invited guests and will be providing food and beer. We have scheduled this in straight after the AGM in the hope that the attendees of the AGM will stay on for the if they are not camping over already.


We will gladly BBQ food that members bring along in addition to the food we are supplying, which this year is a fully catered Lamb Roast.


Please note that this is an inclusive social, but it is for Members, Sponsors, Traders and invited guests, please remember this and please note that we are required to keep noise to a reasonable level and not too late – after all, some of us need to get up early to get the show going again for you and the visiting public.


6 People – most important


Bearing in mind the interior changes to Hall 2 and acting on your feedback, it’s vital this year that we have sufficient people to breathe life into the plans and make it all work. In order for us to run the above activities we have the following people requirements.


We need at least 12 people to setup the interior and exterior stands; Saturday from 10:00 to about 17:00 and we will be firing up the BBQ at about 18:00 to feed the helpers. Monday afternoon to break it all down again from about 16:00 (we are normally away by 17:30).


We will need a minimum of 20 Members for each of the show open days, Sunday and Monday. Activities range from manning specific stands, some handling cash for example the snack bar, manning the ever popular AutoJumble to meters and greeters to help Members and the public with any questions – we also need to publicise the Club from Hall 2 along side NMS and PlaysKool and to help interract with members of the public.


What’s in it for ME…?


All volunteers will get Water, Tea & Coffee throughout your stint, T-Shirt, name badge, evening BBQ, free camping, and the love and respect of your fellow Members.


7 Passes & Wristbands


All volunteers will be issued with a wristband at the gate which will entitle you to come and go as you see fit and camp for free in the WSCC camping area.


If you do not have a wristband, you will be subject to the normal terms and conditions of the show e.g. payment on entry, chargeable camping in the public camping area, etc.


Therefore it is vitally important that you record and confirm all the volunteer information requested.


8 Car Data Sheets


If you are bringing your Westfield to the show we will be providing a Car Data Sheet for you to download, fill in and attach to your car. This will allow members of the public that are interested in the marque to look over the cars and understand what they are seeing.


9 I Want To Help. What’s next…?


Please have a good think about what you are committing to. There are two separate threads pinned in this section that pertain to volunteering for the interior and exterior stands. They are:


·         INTERIOR

·         EXTERIOR

·         CAMPING


Please do read them thoroughly, sign yourselves up and let us have all your information.


10 Some Important Points Reminder


·         No freebies unless you have a wristband

·         Full details required when volunteering your car and/or your time (they will be confirmed with you)

·         Volunteers only for free camping

·         All display cars (Hall 2 and in the Marquee) should be free from overt advertising of non WSCC traders and Sponsors

·         If you have a T-Shirt from last year, please bring it back washed even if you are not intending to use it

·         If you have any banners or flags, please bring them back or arrange to have them sent

·         Further info: stoneleigh@wscc.co.uk


Thanks for reading and we hope to hear from you soon…

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