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Lego westfield build

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Lego Westy Rebuild FINISHED :-)

Zetec Engine block install: http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh46/marcusbarlo/4%20pot_zpsuyok0llq.jpg Exhaust plumbed in, air filter caused problems with bonnet not closing requiring a minor tweek http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh46/marcusbarlo/exhaust_zpshbk7bdqm.jpg ........and finished :       http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh46/marcusbarlo/spot_zpsqhxpqlhf.jpg

Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator in 1

Lego Sport Turbo seats and Zetec engine install :-)

Changed the seats for the expensive sport turbo option not as harsh on the buttocks as the old GRP seats and fitted: The last major job is the engine replacement, here is the new Zetec in bits: Zetec partial build: V8 out Ive had to remove seats, windscreen and bonnet, then turn car upside down to fit engine block and connect it to drive shaft, engine position same as the old V8 so no changes required to gearbox ...exhaust still needs a bit of tweaking though..

Blue lego FW body panels

Started the new body panels, blue and black lego bricks are a lot more popular than green so I have made good progress Side panel drivers side minus exhaust cut outs (zetec): Black rear arches and blue/black tub sides on, testing scuttle ready for fw bonnet, Ive not taken engine out yet still working on options FW bonnet work in progress trial fit, hinge mechanism not sorted yet !

Lego Westfield rebuild :-)

Having sold the green next was a FW zetec    So here we go: strip down http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh46/marcusbarlo/STRIPDOWN_zpsn2isp8fd.jpg Rebuild will be: FW blue and black bodywork Hinged bonnet 4 pot Engine + single exhaust Windscreen Black Wheels Doors Seats

Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator in 1

Lego nose cone, bonnet and rear arches

SHMBO is getting a bit peeved off now (even though I explain this is surely better than me spending every night in the pub or all night in the garage ) and the kids keep getting upset when I explain Lego is for adults not for children… …………. But I am getting there …. V8 ducted nose cone (could not manage to union jack ) V8 bonnet Rear arch with stone guards:

Lego Westy seats, steering, exhaust and cycle wings

Progressed further with the westy. Seats are installed along with rear sections of exhausts. I have also sorted the steering which is a simple lego rack and pinion set up. Here is one of the race seats: Chassis with steering, exhausts etc: 300 cfm holley carb with K&N filter Detail of cockpit area, everything looks to scale and in proportion which was hard to achieve with the gearbox and remote extension. Note the handbrake, now I dont like lego models that have fake steering/tra

Lego westy rolling chassis

Decided on the wheels they are from a large lego technic car set ref 8880. They do not have quite the correct offset for the rear of the car if you look at the bottom right wheel in the pic (compared to the bottom left) this is one of the rear wheels I have skimmed the face back about 7mm. In Lego circles this is a no no you should never mod a brick : Does anybody know the largest tyre manufacturer in the world? Yes its Lego Here is the rolling chassis! but just when I thought the gearbo

Lego Westy engine, diff and gearbox

Progressed further with the Lego Westy. I have built a few Lego technic cars in years gone by, I started with the 8860 car chassis model. The westy is a mix of old and new style lego technic pieces. Here is a pic of the rear chassis complete with rear suspension and diff. The diff configuration is a fairly standard set up on large lego technic car models: After contemplating which engine to use for about 1 second I decided on a V8 This engine either V8 or V10 is fairly popular in a lot o

Lego pieces sorted and ready to start..

Feeling guilty I didn't build my Westy I thought I would build a Lego Westy for no other reason than to stick a mini 'built not bought' sticker on it You cannot buy a Lego Westy from the shops so it has taken me a while to collate all the pieces required, I have a few spares at home and the rest were sourced from the good old interweb. This will be mainly a picture blog apologies for picture quality they will hopefully get better initial pics are with phone (no flash). Parts (some) collated
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