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December 2022



December 4th, 2022

Spend: £108.56


2022-12-04 15.39.16.jpg 2022-12-04 15.39.27.jpg


On recommendation of Jody, I sourced an idle control valve / stepper motor which controls the idle by passing air into the plenum chamber upon startup but because my rocker covers where installed in such a way that the hose connecting to it would have to run the long way round, I went down the rabbit hole of swapping the rocker covers around.  This meant cleaning them, installing new gaskets, renewing filter, o-rings, plugs, leads, etc, etc...  Oh well, at least it looks very tidy now!




Last month: £  4292.03

This month: £   108.56
Total:      £  4400.59


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