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June 2022



June 18th, 2022

Spend: £54.04


For a while I was planning to replace my rear lights with something homebrew as I just can not find a nice aftermarket set that I like as much as I did on my previous Westfield.  Having already replaced my fog and reverse lights with those from the LED AutoLamps 82 Series, I thought maybe I should do the same for the indicators and stop/tail lights...?


The old units are quite wide, and these round lights are slightly taller than the space available, so out came Fusion360 and with a mockup of the rear arch part, I designed a holder for them that covers the old fixing holes and follows the arches.


Screenshot 2022-06-12 at 23.25.09.png


After a few iterations and trial fits, the ultimate design was printed using ToughPLA.


2022-06-12 18.47.31.jpg


4 captive nuts are embedded in the print so they are screwed on and easily replaced if they are damaged, or if I'm bored with the current design ;)


2022-06-12 18.46.51-1.jpg


I've had to replace the indicator relay as the current load is now too low for the original relay.



June 19th, 2022

Spend: £0.00




Enjoyed Father's Day with my son at the Bicester Scramble.




Last month: £  3261.38

This month: £    54.04
Total:      £  3315.42

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