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Swapping Xflow to Zetec in Narrow Lowline Westfield

As I said in my previous posts the lowline with 60mm engine mounts will just not fit below the bonnet line.

How much will it not fit, here are are the photos to show:


As you can see the timing belt is just proud so I have had to cut the nosecone to fit.

As for the bonnet


Its sitting on the engine brackets used for the crane, these will come off but its also sitting on the top of the timing belt/rocker cover. If you were doing this with highline body I reckon it would fit fine.

So bonnet bulge is the way I am going (this will allow the engine to be level)


As you can see the bulge will have to over the join. So the plan will be to mark out both the nose cone and the bonnet cut the appropriate hole in both. Bond the bulge to the bonnet and then rubber trim under the part that "sticks out" so that when the bonnet is put on the trim will form a seal.

Here is the idea with both bonnet and nose.


Hopefully you get the idea

From a drivers point of view it will look like this


Its not bad at all. It isn't intrusive, which I was worried about, and is about level with the tops of the wings so doesn't look like a "big nose". It certainly solves the engine level and exhaust hitting chassis problems. So bonnet bulge it is!

That's it for now



Recommended Comments

Captain Colonial


Very neat solution! :)



Thank you, hopefully it will work (we shall see). Next is making the mounts, and sorting out ancillaries  Will blog it all for posterity  ;)



Thanks for the pictures - confirms what I found on mine. I just took the easy way out of keeping the existing engine for this year!



how about a "scoop " instead ?



Last time I spoke to carbon mods (which was ages ago), they still had a V8 style bonnet for a narrow with the bulge. Might be another (expensive) option.



Just thought as well, you could speak to Julian at aerodynamix. He could either reshape your current bodywork or make new stuff to suit.



Thanks all, the scoop idea is worth a thought, (hmm could I get cold feed for the carbs as well) :oops: .


I have the bulge already (as you can see in the photos). I think the abandoned project idea was to put it over a standard dgas/single webber xflow carb (ie on the drivers side).  A bit of modifying and hopefully it will work nicely. (Time for fibreglassing)


I am going to give the idea a go and see what it comes out like, as I'm on a "budget" - well the exact phrase is "how much is your car going to cost now!". :) If the s*** hits the fan then I may be talking to aerodynamix or carbon mods (thank you for the Geoff :t-up: ) 

pickmaster Andy Lowe


I cut my engine mounts so engine is slightly front down to clear the solenoid valve on the ST motor

The other day it was running rough over 4k after a wash and the water had puddled and gone down the side of the plug caps

The drain holes are only at the rear of engine, so your more level engine would be less prone to this

I now park the car slightly nose up in the garage after a wash:)



Thats interesting to hear, thank you pickmaster I decided to level due to oil and the raceline sump being 5 litres, but I didn't know about the drain holes for water. 





looks like a very good solution and not out of place.  great work

Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


I think you'd need to go for a custom bonnet if changing; the V8 bonnet "scoop" starts a few inches back from the front of the bonnet, does it not do the same on the Carbon Mods narrow version? If it does, this wouldn't actually give you any more clearance than the standard bonnet at that crucial bonnet to nose cone join. Plus, would their narrow bonnet work with your low line?


The early Westfield downdraft carb bulge that you have there looks a really neat solution in your mock up.



Dave I think you're right and it won't solve the problem. One of the nice parts of the bonnet bulge is that its the same age as the body so its the same colour match.  Thank you both for your comments, hopefully it will work (fingers crossed) 

 I've got visits from  family/friends this weekend so probably not much going on (boo) big work job coming up the following weekend (double boo) but after that, I should be on the case. Will keep you posted and of course photos.




Your idea should work well when it's moulded in and smoothed etc. Funny you should mention the carbon fibre option as I spoke to Carbon Mods the other day about a nose and bonnet for a narrow body but no luck, they used to do the bonnet but not now.



Excellent blog Meakin,

I am doing exactly the same to a low line SEI.

Whats your plan re the alternator?

I am in two minds whether to go for a reversed water pump and fit it low down on exhaust side or to go down the idler route...



Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


Actually, I think, from that picture at least, it's a neat solution even with out moulding in and smoothing out. In fact, in certain ways, that might even draw more attention to it! (Of course, from other angles I might change my mind completely :d )



Thanks Meakin your time and trouble to post this blog, much appreciated.



Hi Greggs not sure yet, got work this weekend again! but hoping to have some time on the car if I can. I've got to play around the the alternator position. Will keep everyone posted on progress as it happens, hoping to do a oil pressure check soon.

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