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August 2017



August 26th, 2017

Spend: £0.00


Lost a little interest in the car over the holiday period, but set myself to it today and was pleasantly surprised to discover that removing a crank from an engine is not actually that difficult.






This is the crank out of a spare engine, which, once checked, will be making it's way into my engine.


August 28th, 2017

Spend: £0.00




Fitted the oil pressure gauge that I collected from my engine seller a while back.  It's not from the same VDO series as the rest of my gauges, but beggers can not be choosers ;) I've not been able to test it yet, but it should work as it used to work on this engine and sender...


August 31st, 2017

Spend: £185.00


Collected my gearbox again from Martin after Graham checked it over.  Graham could find nothing wrong with the box, so a combination of wrong oil and/or spigot bearing interference must be what has been causing my crunching in 1st/2nd gear.  Have been advised to stick to Fuchs SYN5 oil, so bought 5L from Julian so I've got enough spare for the coming years :t-up:




Last month: £  6164.80
This month: £   185.00

Total:      £  6349.80


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