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Andy665's SEiGHT

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July 2017 - new seats



Few more jobs ticked off the list at the weekend
New seats arrived from Intatrim (custom designed to my spec), as did the new FIA approved Scroth harnesses. 
As the harnesses came with all new fixing bolts and eyelets I obviously wanted these fitted - problem number one the left hand side passenger eyelet cannot be removed without removing the rollbar. Rather than seeing this as a problem I took it as an opportunity to remove it, clean it, paint it and tidy up all the fixing bolts which were a bit grubby. As the rollbar removal meant removal of rear wheels it made sense to have a check of everything and clean anything that was looking a bit dirty
Old seats out saw the opportunity to repaint and tidy up the interior (pictures make paint look patchy - its not, just were its still drying)
New seats fitted and as I went for heated bases and backrests I took the plunge and wired them in (electrics are not my strong point) - following instructions and thinking logically about the cabling means its all neat and tidy (wiring running in transmission tunnel and two position switches neatly integrated (I think) in the dashboard
As the Stack display had a few issues this had been sent off for a full stripdown and repair, I requested that the white face be replaced with black as I think its more in keeping with the rest of the car
Driving position has definitely changed, sitting about an inch lower but backrest is more upright so eyeline is probably at the same level
Next on the to-do list is a Carbon NV carbon aeroscreen - will be fitted next month with a little luck
Slowly the car is feeling like "mine"






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