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May 2017



May 7th, 2017

Spend: £16.95


After speaking to Graham about my 2nd gear selection issue one of the things I learned was that the Fuchs Titan Race Gear 90 LS differential oil I had put in my live axle with plated diff is the wrong one and that I should have used Castol B373.  Got 2L from Opie and replaced it today.


May 12th, 2017

Spend: £112.11


My new TPS (a Penny&Giles one) arrived from Spoox Motorsport yesterday and as I was "working from home" today I nipped into the garage and fitted it.  Set the start voltage to 0.35V and on full throttle that came to 4.14V.  Pretty much the same as my old one.  Woooohoooo!  Like the proverbial stuff of a shovel, the car now runs as I experienced it all those months ago in Andrew's car.

Shame the weather is p poor, so could only do about 20 miles before it started to rain again.  Just want to drive it now :yellow-westy:


May 13th, 2017

Spend: £2.70


Re-crimped the front lights with new connectors as the ones I used initially were pants.  Also played around with the clutch pedal to see if 2nd gear could be engaged better when slowing down from 3rd.  Made no difference to the baulking.  Will try Graham's suggestion of EP80 oil next, but I'm thinking it needs a look in, and that is just not going to happen this side of summer...


May 21st, 2017

Spend: £0.00


Got up early and met up with @richyb at McDonalds Sixfields and took the long way round to Silverstone to attend the 1st Cars & Coffee event organised there.




May 24th, 2017

Spend: £0.00


National Drive your Westfield to Work Day...






Last month: £  6008.04
This month: £   131.76

Total:      £  6139.80


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