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Quinten's Mighty Blog

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May 2016



May 1st, 2016

Sold: £20.00


The annual pilgrimage to the spiritual home of the kit car... Stoneleigh! Organised a small convoy with the Northants members



Photo courtesy of Mark Russel of Carbon-NV fame :yes:


and when we arrived there, I was told to park it at the front of the Westfield Avenue :d




Managed to sell my old mirrors, but gave the cycle wings and harness to the club to sell, hopefully raising some money for the WSCC supported charity.


May 4th, 2016

Spend: £19.44


As Car Builder Solutions did not bring any stock to sell to Stoneleigh, they gave all their visitors a card with a 10% discount code and free shipping. Wanted a centre mirror for ages, so decided to take them up on the offer ;)




May 8th, 2016

Spend: £29.28




So after yet another oil related incident last month, I discovered that my fuel pump cover plate did not have a deflector fitted. Barney mentioned he had one left over from his Crossflow days, so picked it up and installed the new plate with a new gasket. Also redid the oil breather pipes to the catch tank so it now only breathes from the crank, and no longer from the top of the engine. Seems to work much, much better.




My old air filter really needed to be replaced but as I could not find a matching filter size, I resorted to these Ram Air socks.


May 24th, 2016

Spend: £0.00


Set a little challenge to the members of the Facebook group to commute in the Westfield to work today. I do this of course all the time :yes:




At 6:44 in the morning it was surprisingly cold still




The 'driveway' at Stowe




The Mushroom Tree in Botolph Claydon




Traffic lights from hell




See you in 8 hours!




Last month: £  2283.80
This month: £    28.72

Total:      £  2312.52


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