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May 2014



May 3rd, 2014

Spend: £7


Now the brakes are back together again, I could finally concentrate on the diff. The breather was smaller than the thread on the diff, so I bought some Sikaflex EBT+ from Screwfix and just glued it in place.




Then went for spin to warm the diff oil up and used my Pela 6000 to suck the old stuff out (by god it smells!). Got about 800ml out and put about 1.1L back in. Looks like it was well overdue!




May 9th, 2014

Spend: £20


After running out of time to get my tonneau cover fitted before Stoneleigh this week was spend getting it suited to the RAC rollbar. Thanks mum! ;)




It makes the rear so much tidier.


May 14th, 2014

Spend: £3


When I took the drum brakes apart, the abutment stops pretty much disintegrated. You can't buy these things anymore, but thankfully I'm not the first person to face this problem as David Jenkins describes how he resorted to make his own.





I thought they came out pretty well.


May 17th, 2014

Spend: £2


I know I should really be driving it instead of tinkering, but as I needed to prepare some bits on the car for next week I got a bit carried away and ended up fitting my Aeroscreen.




Now just need to find something to cover up those old windscreen support holes.


May 19th, 2014

Spend: £0






You couldn't make this stuff up... The exhaust mount decided that today was a good day to disintegrate and after a hop and a skip left me at the side of the road collecting my silencer 200 yards back. Good job I drive with earplugs ;).


May 21st, 2014

Spend: £2


Bought a new exhaust bobbin and although the silencer has seen better days, it is still fully functional, so it will have to do until I can get enough money together to spend on a nice shiny carbon Motad exhaust.


May 25th, 2014

Spend: £7


Lovely day for little odd jobs. Finally fixed a dangling plate full of relays. Also installed a little headlight reminder buzzer and fixed the rubber mats to the floor using some heavy duty Velcro.


May 31st, 2014

Spend: £9


Have covered up those old windscreen holes up and as a bonus added 5 BHP as well ;)






Last month: £   251.00
This month: £    50.00

Total:      £   301.00


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