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Onliest Music - alternative Smeg selections

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About this blog

As some of you know I have a very eclectic music collection (from household names to the obscure), but what all the best of the art form have is the ability to draw the listener in – involving them and immersing them within a world away from their physical reality.

Music can definitely be theraputic treatment in a chaotic demanding world. Music is an excellent de-stresser for these lockdowned troubled times.


So I thought I'd start a blog of what I've been listening too, some as I've been discovering it for myself.

This could be the prompt for posting a well known classic album, there are plenty out there from Pink Floyd, Queen, Radiohead etc. etc.

But where would be the adventure in that!

Experience something different/new.

Entries in this blog

Grampas rock the human chair 人 間 椅 子

Throughout my meanderings amongst musical thread suggestions presented by the binary functions of logistical data there has been a common theme. Everything includes a Japanese offering!   Japan has a sometimes bazaar and always unique take on modern culture, which of course includes music. It's the only country that still massively supports Physical media. And in today’s world of downloads and online streaming the maligned plastic disk is nothing but a faint memory in many pl

Onliest Smeg David

Onliest Smeg David in Music

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