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Alexander72's Blog

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Prescott Blog

Apologies for the delay in preparing this blog but I have been on a Site Supervisors Health and Safety Course all week.... enough to drive any one insane! Prescott Hill is owned by the Bugatti Owners Club and as such is one of the old classics in the Hillclimb world. Situated in gorgeous woodland on the edge of the Winchcombe hills it really is typically Cotswold's (£4.50 a pint and £12 quid for a burger but more of that later). The weather was set fair for the weekend and the entries for this



First time for everything........

Evening all, Time is short today so may I Introduce myself. I'm James Alexander (Alexander72) and less than a year ago I bought my first Westfield from Martin Parkes. Its a 1990 SE with a X-Flow engine and lots of bits and pieces. It starts, and goes, and stops - thats the limit of my knowledge. Oh, kids point at me in it and depending on their age they either say "look at that racing car" or "that man is too big for that car... what a.........." I'm planning on doing some competition ne



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