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AdamR's MX-R1000 Build

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Trials and tribulations of trying to build a car from a pile of tubes, a bike engine and some MX-5 components!

Entries in this blog

Tools and tubes

Found out that the engine would hit the chassis if I put the diff where I intended to. A***. This meant some hunting through the spares pile and a bit of Googling - turns out Mazda use the same CV joints and spline pattern on the 1.6 and 1.8 Mk1 cars, but the 1.8s have 20mm shorter half shafts... This meant I could swap the NS drive shaft to a 1.8 model, shift the diff over 10mm, and it now clears, happy days! Knocked up a build table - a big sheet of MDF, some old beams from some pallet ra



Racks and tacks

Not had much chance to get stuck in recently due to work being busy, but can't complain. Have had a lot of time to think about stuff though and work things through in my head, which helped when I did get a few hours at the weekend. Things will quieten down at work now after Xmas so hoping to make better progress... although I have just taken on two engine builds and (pretty much) a full MX-5 race car rebuild to be completed before early March so we shall see :lol: Anyway - bits I have done: E



Notches and botches

Tested the notching setup at 30 degrees - a bit chattery and have to go fairly slow, but still good results (apologies for the array of notch pictures, I just love the shapes, haha). Also got a pipe vice which should stabilise things a bit for the angled notches... Did a few more test welds and battered the **** out of them. This was an early one with not quite as much penetration as I wanted - but at least the joint stays lovely and tight. Note this was done by holding the tube in place w



Early stages - CAD & accumulating parts...

Having sold my Fisher Fury (which gave me the bug for light cars with bike engines), I decided to take on a new project. This was something I have wanted to do for a while, and having done most of these jobs in isolation thought it was time to tackle them all in one project... building a car from scratch. The first stages revolved around a lot of thinking and some mocking up of a layout - see below. Once I confirmed everything would fit, it was time to nail down the suspension design. Quite



More CAD and more parts...

Not loads to report this time, but have made some bits of progress. Done a bit more chassis 'design' (loose term - I'm pretty much just adding triangles everywhere I can and getting them to terminate at the same locations where possible!) and chucked it through the weight calculator on the software - coming out around 78kg at the moment, so should be under 100kg for chassis, wishbones and dampers which is reasonable I think. Not light, but should be stiff and durable. From here I think the whol



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