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Sally's Scribbles

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Stephen's Story

Curborough July 5th 2015 Stephen’s story Arrived at the track at 7.20am to find most of the Westfields already there and ready for signing on and scrutineering. Unfortunately the driver’s briefing wasn’t until 8.50 but we managed to fill the time! The briefing was exceedingly brief for the 99% who had driven the track before and rather more detailed for the few who hadn’t. P1 arrived to find that Graham Frankland had forgotten to put his timing strut on! Howard Gaskin went fastest on 60.50



sally's scribbles

Sally’s scribbles (non technical): Having risen bright and early (4.45am) Stephen and I arrived at Aintree at 7.25. John Loudon and Garry Bunn were already there and Stephen signed on getting back in time to get the car ready for scrutineering. Lee Smith and John Williams were further down the paddock together. The loos were locked and there were only four portaloos by the office. Fortunately the loos opened around 9am. The weather was brilliant. Fabulous sunshine all day and just a head wind



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