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Musings on the Mazdafield

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Well that was exhausting

Finally finished fitting the 4-1 manifold after 3 evenings. It gave me a chance to investigate the rattling from the exhaust silencer and it does indeed seem like the cat is breaking up. Seems like a good excuse for a carbon silencer soon! Save the current silencer for MOT time I think. Anyway, onto fitting the new manifold. With the exhaust system stripped off and weighed because I'm a bit anal (new manifold saves 620g you know), it was time to attack the bodywork once again. I really hate



Coolant leak found?

After previous unsuccessful attempts to fix my coolant leak I'd only managed to make it slightly worse. Luckily, whilst pondering my options after the latest failed fix I stumbled across a photo I took which appeared to show that the core plug in the head was leaking. I decided it must be that as it did fit where the leak was and to be fair I was running out of other causes. With Stoneleigh looming ever closer I removed the inlet manifold (completely this time) and got looking. Hmm... definit



Chasing the elusive coolant leak

Ever since the car was built (and technically before whilst the engine was in the MX5) there's always been a coolant leak of some sort. I fixed most of them whilst the engine was out during the build but one remained - just above the oil pressure sender. I'd originally caught this leak and 'fixed' it by replacing the head gasket. Here's the leak from last time: As we're in a spell of cold weather with the roads once again salty, it seemed like a good time to strip it down and take a look. A



"Horse meet"

Given the recent news surrounding this horse meat kerfuffle I thought it best to check on my horses. M444444444TTB was already dropping his Westfield off at BTec racing for his carbs to be rebuilt and The Stoat was getting a go on the rollers to check his air fuel ratio - it only seemed natural to tag along. Since I've built it I've not been massively impressed with the speed of my Westfield. After wrapping up like the Michelin man I met with the above Swindonites and we convoy'd off. It was a



Winter upgrades

From this: To this: First upgrade of the winter There's a prize for lamest upgrade right?



First entry

For the build thread, look here: http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/89450-donor-done-build-started/ It's not had a lot of use in damp conditions this year, but now it's cold out I'm beginning to notice how twitchy it is. I'm not getting a lot of grip from reasonably new tyres so I'm suspecting it's the lack of alignment beginning to show. I'm trying to hold off getting it aligned until the spring, but as my big plans for winter upgrades slowly dissolve into a deposit for a house up



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