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cherry these are real chuffin pot holes


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these f*****s have been there 6 months or more and are less than a mile from our house ,these are real pot holes not mamby pamby little f*****s some are 9" deep and if you notice they put cones around the gravel not the holes goodness me what the devil the cones have been there at least 3 months

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THIS is a pot hole........




Used to do this one when I was younger, slimmer and fitter :blush:

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Always has to be someone that takes it too far!

I loved pot holing, there's a few I'd abseil down then climb out.

As for two poops SteveD...

Enough said.

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wow - that looks fun! the pot-holing - not the poor road surface outside wuv's house.....

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wow - that looks fun! the pot-holing - not the poor road surface outside wuv's house.....


The photo is of "Gaping Gill" in Yorkshire. HERE It's a massive cave system and you can spend days camping down there. I used to love caving in the wet pots in the dales. Nothing like climbing a wire ladder in the middle of a waterfall. :t-up:

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The photo is of "Gaping Gill" in Yorkshire. http://www.yorkshire-dales.com/gaping-gill.html'>HERE It's a massive cave system and you can spend days camping down there. I used to love caving in the wet pots in the dales. Nothing like climbing a wire ladder in the middle of a waterfall. :t-up:

Sound's awesome,

James, your tree climbing skills would get you up and down no issues!

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