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Spitting !


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Ok, make it illegal, £80 fine... But enforce it!!!!

On the way home during rush hour (I was walking) I could hear horns and see a queue of cars them cars shooting down the outside and diving back in cutting a few cars. There was a moron stopped slap outside Uni on the white zig zag lines meaning no stopping, hazards on and a traffic warden stood at the side of the car. Mrs C was worried about someone crashing into the back of them and was edging along the wall... Then a non-English person came out of Uni, got in the car and drove off. The traffic warden was of the same ethnicity and was just watching his car for him, they drove off, traffic warden waddled down the road!

If I pulled up the ticket would be started before I opened the door!

Spit??? I didn't spit! Prove it!

The non-English person you saw,wasn`t by any chance the same as those Waltham Forest/Enfield are aiming this new `law` at ????

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Ever been to Korea?


If you don't like spitting DON'T GO. :no:

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 The non-English person you saw,wasn`t by any chance the same as those Waltham Forest/Enfield are aiming this new `law` at ????

Not a scooby's

But it could identify why Britain's sinking! No sense of community. An Englishman would give his mother a parking ticket... Then brag about it!

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It's something I do not understand. We all produce saliva and phlegm but clever old evolution made the stuff non toxic and helpful to digestion. So why so many people feel the need to spit every minute I have no idea, unless they've got so many flies around them that they're always going in their mouths. It needs to be made an offence again. I'd happily carry the ticket book in addition to all the other bumf.

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yet it seems quite acceptable to flick fag ash on the ground... (I know flicking the used butt is a littering offence)

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Don't go to China, gobbing is a nation pastime indoor and out doors, forget chewing gum deposits they stick you to the floor not the opposite :no:  :no:  :no: . on internal flights nationals  quickly get a drink, keep the glass/cup for the duration of the jouney gobbing into it every few minutes. Never did find out whether this was a result of horrendous air polution ( you can never see the sky ) or they are competing for a national prize. I don' think the words hanky or tissue exist beyond the northern hemisphere. Trust me you would not want to drive a Westfield there without the hood up :yes:  :yes:  :yes:

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Iain, China is in the Northern Hemisphere.  :)

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Dooh, bit early for me !! and distraced by the early morning SUNSHINE and promise of plus 10c , must check the Westfield battery we have Sussex meet on Sunday. :)  :) :)  

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OK, I'll let you off this time.


Just had a discussion with HM. Why do women ask a question get an answer but keep asking the question.


HM: "shall I hang the washing out to dry"

Me: "If you want, it looks nice out there"

HM "but will it come in as wet as it goes out"

Me: "I don't know, just hang it up in here"

HM "Well, it may dry if I hang it out"

Me: "It's going to be 10 c outside, it's 18 c in here, just hang it up in here"

HM "do you think so"





She's hanging it up in here.

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OK, I'll let you off this time.


Just had a discussion with HM. Why do women ask a question get an answer but keep asking the question.


HM: "shall I hang the washing out to dry"

Me: "If you want, it looks nice out there"

HM "but will it come in as wet as it goes out"

Me: "I don't know, just hang it up in here"

HM "Well, it may dry if I hang it out"

Me: "It's going to be 10 c outside, it's 18 c in here, just hang it up in here"

HM "do you think so"





She's hanging it up in here.

Norman, we have come to this conclusion before I think: you're married to my missus! 

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Yes dear :)



But of course dear   :)



Whatever you say dear :)



I'm sure that will be fine dear :)



I'm sure you know best :)

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