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E-Cigarette! :)


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In 2 days I will have been on the e-cigs for three months :yes:





Not that I'm counting you understand ??? ???


:d I've writet he date down on aa word doc so i can keep track of how long ive quit, cause i keep forgetting haha, havent done any research into teh e-cig, but from what i understand, i dont think theres any harm, as i think its just striaght nicotine, but dont quote me on that, chug away on it fella, better than actual cigs, and one day you might wake up and go enough is enough :)

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I don't think nicotine is harmful in itself though you are addicted to it so technically you spend most of your time in withdrawal, which is less than ideal - you are subtly always under stress.. Better than smoking though , for sure.

Keep it up. Small steps :-)

P.s.im not "one of those reformed smokers". I was an avid smoker, and I understand what it feels like. What I am is someone who is as shocked as I am delighted that it really is easy to be free of smoking with no regrets if you approach it with the right information and attitude.

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