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E-Cigarette! :)


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I am a big fan of e cigs, BUT the technology can be off putting, if you have not done already be prepared to spend 60 squids+ on decent kit. I think that nicotine is an excellent drug and I'm happy that I have found a safe(er) way to enjoy it.

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Heey all, Membership paid :) just to update everyone, did 7 days with the e-cig, and have now gone 3 days without any form of nicotine and am doing just fine, mind over matter folks ;) 

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Well done. It gets much easier the longer you go.


Just convince yourself it's a horrible habit, make your eyes stream, you smell and girls don't like it.

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Very well done Kingston, that's excellent, thanks for joining  ;) 


(Oh and not bad going on the cigs either  :p  :d )


seriously though, good news, keep it up!

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Aye, I own a firework display co.  www.heritagefireworks.co.uk     it is indeed fun :-)  I also sell solar panels kits and install them for campers.

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Awesome.... i once saw a van in Norfolk of another professional pyrotechnic company and they were called "the BangGang".....  :)

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When my friend died we all took on a job for the wake. Mine was organising the fireworks. Mat loved bangers so we had several hundred pounds of bangers go off at 4 pm in the afternoon in broad daylight. Everyone was assembled on the patio of the stately home we used and I was standing in front of the house. When it was finished I turned to see everyone sobbing. Including me.

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I will never become one of them ex anti smokers haha, told my friends if i become one of them, they must pin me down and force feed me a fag ahha! still not had one, do miss having one at times, but enjoying the mental factor of proving i can do it, though have yet to feel any extra motivation, but in time i guess. as for the money, decided im going to put a tenner a week into a jar, and use this to put towards my music production software and such like :) 

as for the membership, it was a no brainer ;) busy busy busy atm, but looking forward to gettin gstuck in to some serious posting action again in no time haha ;)


eta: my typing is awful it would seem :laugh:

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In 2 days I will have been on the e-cigs for three months :yes:





Not that I'm counting you understand ??? ???

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