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E-Cigarette! :)


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Afternoon all. 


Just thought I'd pop a little message up praising these little things!


Decided to get one of them to try help me cut down on smoking, as the majority of smoking I do is sat at home on the laptop chain smoking, through boredom more than anything!


Brought it 2 days ago, only had 5 cigs yesterday, so thought sod it, might just give quitting a go! Not had a fag since 11pm yesterday, and was sat up till 4am on the laptop, and all so far so good! 


Anyone considering quitting, I'd deffo recommend it :):t-up:

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Only problem is getting off the E cigarette. As I understand it it's nicotine in water vapour. 


My sister-in-law uses one. She sits there puffing away on this thing then hides it between her legs until the next puff. She looks ridiculous. 

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"E" cigarettes?  Are they from Yorkshire?

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My business partner has been using these for a while now, he reckons they've really helped him cut down.

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"E" cigarettes?  Are they from Yorkshire?


no, Frank from Shameless has moved onto them - instead of a pint and 2 E's and a fag on the go, he has combined the fag and the E now  :laugh:

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:laugh: and Norm indeed so, but one could argue it is better to be addicted to this and just the nicotine without all the pollutants of a normal cigarette?! :) i guess the idea is like with all nicotine products, use them to give up smoking normal cigs, then try to taper down, untill you dont use any anymore, at least thats what i'll be doing! :)

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Good for you Echoz!

Norm is right - you're still getting nicotine from e-cigarettes so they are addictive. What you're missing out on is a range of substances produced by the burning of tobacco - many of which are known to contribute to a variety of health problems. So it certainly looks as though using e-cigarettes should be less harmful, with the added bonus that you won't smell like a well-used ashtray!

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"E" cigarettes?  Are they from Yorkshire?

That reminds me, of the new way to take esctasy in Yorkshire.


You crush it up and rub the powder into your mouth. :)








The police have called it 'e by gum'

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keep at it echoz....  i gave up ten years ago when my insurers stopped paying for fire damage to my cigar collection.........

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I gave up smoking in 1982 to buy a new MG Metro (yes I know).  I still fancy a smoke now and again.


Good luck echoz - it's not easy.  I used to say it was easy because "I've given up lots of times".


Rory's Dad

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"E" cigarettes?  Are they from Yorkshire?

you can also use the e by gum.


good luck with stopping the cigs though  :yes:

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