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spooky ..................no really


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went in the downstairs loo this morning for a p*** then went to wash my four hands and spotted this on the sink ,now i know its not jesus in kornflakes or jesus in a spud but it is a soap fish yes a soap fish ....how spooky is that



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Does that mean you are feeling a bit better?

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I thought it was only really old people like my Mum who still use bars of soap these days

oh no, hang on.... I'm right, it is ;-)

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Don't know what's in those pills He is on but I want some, no, hang on,I don't.....

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Tomorrow he'll be telling us he looked in the loo and found a brown trout staring back at him.

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pah your all just jelous because im the chosen one who has the soap fish

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Pope Steve 1st doesn't ring a bell but seeing things for Steve is a possibility. Was it two fish or just the one.


Bob :d

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there was 3 of the feckers this morning ,but only 2 tonight

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