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Able body discrimination


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Why is a welsh language required, so much money is wasted on this one, but it does serve a purpose for those who use it, enter a shop or a pub, and the switch is made... This is also observed in other ethnic groups with their own language

A simple test for our great land should be is the claimant of benefit, family allowance etc fully conversant and able to write English? Are there really some people who only speak welsh, seriously ?

It boils my pi$$ that there are lots of places where English ability is zero, they don't work, have a house, car, and al jazeeera TV package, and simply go back and forth to the mosque. From a tax paying perspective purely and non racially, i dont want to contribute towards these people.


At a school in Middlesbrough, I think Abingdon Road Primary, the nursery rhyme Ba Ba Black sheep is sung in Urdu, and there was a piece in the paper a while back where a mother of a minority group (White) had complained their child was learning the Urdu language... To me, again, thats wrong, and racist to the whites.

Another recent gem, Halal food in prisons, you are going there as a punishment, I'm not so sure Brits banged up abroad are extended similar treatments, eat what your given else go hungry.


I recognise the snowflake story above. Some groups can dish it, but can not take it, and use it as a vehicle to further alienate themselves.



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Bob, there are far fewer immigrants on benifit than UK born people, as a per-percentage.


Yes, there are some folk, mainly in north Wales who only speak Welsh.


The fact that we comply with religious dietary laws for prisoners marks us out as a civilised, tolerant nation.

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Some one just posted on facebook, "it's strange how the English flag offends so many people, but our benefits don't"

Bout sums it up  :down:

Immigrants,welsh/scots and Irish love having a pop at the english, but they all want to come here. Funny that.

A tolerant nation my  :arse:. Not allowed to say anything without being called racist or bigots.

And don't start me off about benefits. 

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Immigrants,welsh/scots and Irish love having a pop at the english, but they all want to come here. Funny that.


I'm a Scot and I don't want to live in England.

Lived there once, working not on benefits.

Many English people have migrated all over the world.would you deny them the right to do that?

Way too complicated a subject to be settled with sound bites and anecdotes. Lot of research and study would be required but the Daily Mail seems to hold sway on many peoples opinions.

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What the f@+^ mitigates using illegal drugs.He was found guilty then had his sentence overturned because he in confined to a wheelchair and isn`t expected to live much beyond forty.......Poor chap...smuggle drugs in your wheelchair & you deserve to die at 40...............NO EXCUSES...oh unless some `PC` judge sees fit.

Typical.... totally missed my point. @ yet u still haven't put up the reason why? just your side and overview of what you think


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We are straying off the OP's post. Buzz is correct that we did not here the arguments, but there are too many area's where mitigation is allowed for anything to get in the way of justice. The wheel chair user, it may well have been something to ease his personal suffering, in which case it may have been correct to allow him to die outside jail, where he may not have been easy to care for.

But the laws are one sided, the child sex ring in Bury, no one wanted to confront it as it was an ethnic area, why?

A young muslin let off for having underage sex as he claimed he did not know it was wrong, hell of a defence that one where we are told iggnorance is no excuse?

Area's where crime is mainly commited by young black males, and yet we should stop and search just as many whites people to even up the statistics.


Th system is rotten, too many excuses are accepted for being criminal. JAil should be tough and reabilitating, instead of watching tv they should be educated. Misbehave in jail they stop in longer with only the ones who comply being allowed out. No parole as it is a nonsense to be given 4 years and told the day after they will be out in two, that is a fact for one of my staff after he was convicted of wounding in a fight.

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We are straying off the OP's post. Buzz is correct that we did not here the arguments, but there are too many area's where mitigation is allowed for anything to get in the way of justice. The wheel chair user, it may well have been something to ease his personal suffering, in which case it may have been correct to allow him to die outside jail, where he may not have been easy to care for.

But the laws are one sided, the child sex ring in Bury, no one wanted to confront it as it was an ethnic area, why?

A young muslin let off for having underage sex as he claimed he did not know it was wrong, hell of a defence that one where we are told iggnorance is no excuse?

Area's where crime is mainly commited by young black males, and yet we should stop and search just as many whites people to even up the statistics.


Th system is rotten, too many excuses are accepted for being criminal. JAil should be tough and reabilitating, instead of watching tv they should be educated. Misbehave in jail they stop in longer with only the ones who comply being allowed out. No parole as it is a nonsense to be given 4 years and told the day after they will be out in two, that is a fact for one of my staff after he was convicted of wounding in a fight.

Spot on.

Wheelchair smuggler admitted crime,but got off because he`s a cripple....WRONG

He should rot in hell no matter what lies (mitigation) he came up with......

If an :arse: like him sold drugs to one of my kids I`d like an hour in the cell with him......maybe Buzz would like to defend him as perhaps he only had the drugs for his own use ????See the news item and judge for yourself......

Total scumbag as were the rest of the family. :no:  :no:  :no:


End of rant as my blood pressure`s going up......maybe I need drugs.....would that be an adequate excuse ????

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I wish the Blue Badge did make a difference when caught speeding!  Might have saved me some points and a few quid. :d


As a permanent wheelchair user (20+ years after a bike accident) or 'raspberry ripple' (an affectionate term used by SWMBO) I see many forms of discrimination.  


Parking at work (large NHS hospital trust) is a particular annoyance where I pay over £200 a year to get the choice of approx a dozen disabled spaces in the barrier controlled public car park (none in staff parking) and none of these are available when I return from other sites.  To get this 'concession' I was told that I needed to fill out various forms and get a letter from my doctor despite working for the trust for 18 years and working my way into a managerial position.  A private discussion with a senior manager sorted that one out.


The point I am making is that service improvement for one group of people often leads to improvements for others e.g. access to public transport, buildings etc and this often leads to breakdown of stereotypes and an interaction between these groups.


I have got to say that driving my Westfield does the same thing as I am always engaged in conversation whenever stopped anywhere.  The universal appeal of a Westfield seem to work wonders for anti-discrimination! :laugh:

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Glad to see being in the chair doesn`t spoil your desire for a bit of speed (`cause I bet you do).Busted my back T5 in 2007 and was told I probably wouldn`t  walk or ride again.Fortunately was able to drop the chair & eventually the frame I had to wear..............

Anyone who drives a Westie is disabled in any case....deafened by the bl@@dy noise :laugh: ..

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Hey folks,  my mate is semi-detached  (spine broken at chest height)after a bike accident many years ago  and for over a decade used cannabis to control his tremors (in industrial quantities) he bought it, stored it, grew it and i'm sure sold it but i never thought of him as a drug dealer..... now medical science has caught up he has sativex in medicinal format.


As with everything there are two sides to the story but perhaps there were mitigating circumstances - kids say or a limited life or the fact that he couldnt be cared for economically in prison - who knows...


Lets chill and enjoy the snow while it lasts - hug your kids tonight and have an extra glass of wine.....  just take it easy dude's


on a another matter I have been tidying my workshop all day :-) 

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