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Able body discrimination


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Just seen an item on the news....

Wheelchair bound drug smuggler let off by court.

Apparently a guy smuggling drugs in his wheelchair has been let off because he is dsiabled and not likely to live a long life.

Don`t all druggies die young too....

Does this mean we all need a blue bagde in our windscreens to avoid speeding tickets ?

Surely this is discriminating against able bodied people,or am I missing something ?


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It seems that these days as long as you are not a white male the courts will find some reason or other to let you off.

Until the courts toughen up I think crime is just going to get worse.

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It seems that these days as long as you are not a white male the courts will find some reason or other to let you off. Until the courts toughen up I think crime is just going to get worse.

GOOD GOOD GOOD...Another white male taxpayer who sees things how they are.......thought I was alone out there. :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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Do not let me on that soapbox!

Too late!

Wile doing charity work in Ghana, looking after orphans, abandoned children, children born with HIV and doing "street surgery" style care at times too. I witnessed the worst ever racism! Separate prices for white people, usually more than 4 times the price as "Ghanaian" prices. Then a lot of Ghanaian's I worked with in the military are the first to pull the racism card! I saw a bit of the history and went on a few tourist tours... All of which just went on and on about white man and slavery... Grr...

Living in handsworth area of Birmingham I have witnessed racism in a whole new light and it's massive amongst all the "minority groups" and not usually "white British" involved in it. But every racist attack is assumed a "white British" versus a "minority group" and add too the fact that if a white person pulls the racist card, that in it's self is considered racist! I was in a work place at one point with four Fijian soldiers, three Ghanaian soldiers and two Jamaican' s... I was the only "white British" and spent the whole time called snowflake. I once used a term that I can't even write on here, after about 6 weeks of "snowflake", just to test reactions... Not good, I was then called racist and reported to my superior officer!

I went to Wales for a bit with mates and the hate the English... Again a form of discrimination there where I was singled out for being English, yet mentioning it made me racist!

Why is it that we're wrong to use stereotypes, but it's not wrong for people to act as a stereotype?

Now to try and redeem and deflect abuse I am about to receive... These are semi isolated cases brought to light due to subject matter and I am not even hinting that any "minority" group associated person is any different to myself or anyone else. During my time as snowflake I actually had a great time and never witnessed comradeship like it since. Far better group of people to work with than an all white group of people. Ghana... Well I'm sorry to say that there was very little positive to say about my experience and everyone left early, one by one they would disappear in the night, get a bus to the airport and get on the next plane to the uk. I was last white person there and only stuck out there due to funds! Although the people that invited me there were supportive to a point. Much of the time I spent sat on a wall outside of someone's house due to the colour of my skin and I was not allowed on their property. Imagine if we had separate prices here? Even of Male/female! Or I made non English people wait outside, so non English would include the welsh, Scottish and scousers!

As for wheel chair drug smuggler, was he wheel chair bound due to obesity? It's like I've seen on several occasions mothers auguring the toss because a security guard wants to look in their baby's push chair because alarms have gone off as they went to leave the store. What about parents that push the pushchair into the. Road to force the traffic to stop, so that they can cross! They get a surprise when the little yellow car dips his clutch and hits the accelerator. No not to accelerate towards them, just revs up the exhaust and soon wakes them up! Baby in push chair too I hope! I get some looks of hate and stuff shouted at me as I roll by in neutral at walking pace...just in case they didn't jump back on the curb and I had to stop.

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"I went to Wales for a bit with mates and the hate the English... Again a form of discrimination there where I was singled out for being English, yet mentioning it made me racist!"

That's odd - I'm as English as they come and moved to deep West Wales 3 years ago and haven't experienced any form of "racism".  Not borne out by my experience :no:

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I've never seen this English hatred in Wales. I refuse to refer to myself as anything but British anyway. Raised in southern England with parents from south-east Wales, a family history and surname from northern England and married to a girl from Bristol that's half Scottish.

The only time I've ever felt discriminated against was when I looked at joining the Avon & Somerset Police force in c2007. Applications were basically closed unless I could suddenly become part of an ethnic minority or change my gender.

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Graham with all due respect your post is a little one sided and Born I fear out of reactive anger and without supportive mitigation of the defendant why? What drug? What were the circumstances?If he has admitted he's done it for a pecuniary gain by admission or denying then been found guilty on evidence then yeah he should be nailed to a plank and burned a live...


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Having been at the receiving end of racism and lost most of my family in gas chambers during the war I have a view on the subject (I have a view on any subject!)


Many claims of racism are no more than "following the crowd" as the perpetrator thinks it's the right thing to do. 


I now put racism down to those that, in some way, wish to harm others for no other reason than colour, religion or nationality.


To call people names isn't racism. To deny people something, harm or kill them is. 

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To call people names isn't racism. To deny people something, harm or kill them is.


Well said

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The English hatred in Wales comment was taken out of context a bit,

I was in a pub chatting to people and after a few sentences

"are you English?"


"oh, umm... I need the toilet."

Sommin like that a few times. I wish I could remember where it was, but was about seven years ago. I had a deep, serious, discussion about it and was told that they hated the English in this area.

As I said in my end bit, not blanket remarks, just isolated moments brought to light in this thread. I could give examples of negative thoughts I've had across the board "F'ng (insert derogatory term)" especially when driving around Birmingham in a Westfield! But there's probably enough examples of my thoughts to get me hung, drawn and quartered!

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Totally Agree With Norman.

As for "English hatred in Wales" I was born and bred in the valleys and it only exists for 80 minutes a year

At either Twickenham or the Millenium Stadium !!!.

Never incountered it else where.

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Graham with all due respect your post is a little one sided and Born I fear out of reactive anger and without supportive mitigation of the defendant why? What drug? What were the circumstances?If he has admitted he's done it for a pecuniary gain by admission or denying then been found guilty on evidence then yeah he should be nailed to a plank and burned a live...


What the f@+^ mitigates using illegal drugs.He was found guilty then had his sentence overturned because he in confined to a wheelchair and isn`t expected to live much beyond forty.......Poor chap...smuggle drugs in your wheelchair & you deserve to die at 40...............NO EXCUSES...oh unless some `PC` judge sees fit.

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I'm glad everyone's digging the English hatred in Wales... Meant it must of been after a rugby game or something and not a general thing.

Back on topic,

Illegal drugs are illeagal drugs and if there's a loop hole for someone that's got a short life expectancy to get away with it... I'm sorry but most people that swallow condoms full of a substance to smuggle it over actually has a short life expectancy too. Would this excuse them? Same as dangerous drivers "let them drive like moron's, they'll kill themselves soon enough!".


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I'm glad everyone's digging the English hatred in Wales... Meant it must of been after a rugby game or something and not a general thing.

Back on topic,

Illegal drugs are illeagal drugs and if there's a loop hole for someone that's got a short life expectancy to get away with it... I'm sorry but most people that swallow condoms full of a substance to smuggle it over actually has a short life expectancy too. Would this excuse them? Same as dangerous drivers "let them drive like moron's, they'll kill themselves soon enough!".


Excuses,Excuses ,Excuses that`s all you seem to hear today.But why ?what is it that so many people seem afraid of.You do the crime,you do the time.

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Excuses,Excuses ,Excuses that`s all you seem to hear today.But why ?what is it that so many people seem afraid of.You do the crime,you do the time.

I've done a few bad things in the past and been caught pretty much every time, usually grassed up! But once caught I've always admitted it and accepted the punishment. This is what I feel the world should be like... Me! I am a perfect example of a tax paying, white, English (ish) male! Ask my wife!

Even here, 0 warning points!

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