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Calling all Techno heads - anti virus stuff

Paul Edden

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Put your techno heads on guys.......


I need to renew my anti-virus software in the office - 8 pc's networked via a switch to the internet etc....... nothing unusual.


Q:  what is the best AV software out there at the moment - in terms of protection offered and cost to cover 8 pc's?


Many thanks,



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Use Microsoft Security Essentials, It's free and unlike many other AV products it imposes virtually no overhead on the operating system.

I've been using it for well over a year with no probs and I know several people using it in a small business environment now with equally good results ;-)

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As much as this pains me...

















...what Peter said. ^^^^^ :)

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ask a question and get 8 different answers.


avg £233 for 8 users

eset £175 for 10 users


mcaffe a bit dearer aroung £350 (barry does my pricing and hes out at the moment)


to be honest its all swings and roundabouts... on personal preferance...i'll like this and not that.



personally break fingers, stop people doing dodge, and remember if they click that link they wont see britanny spears naked! Sorry


Also none of the following happend:-

  • you did not win the lottery/
  • book a flight with an airline you never heard of
  • received a parcel from UPS that you werent expecting and they somehow guessed you email address, but not the delivery address


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I have no real idea as to the technical abilities behind the scenes IYSWIM but I'm a happy user of Eset. It's not that intrusive, updates quickly and when there's a new version you update to that for no extra charge, unlike my previous AV. Also when I had email problems that I traced to the AV they sorted me out quickly and easily (had to update live mail)

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Mwhahahahahahaha ooh that must have hurt ;-)


Yeah, it's rare when you're right and it forces me to agree with you! :p  :d


Microsoft Security Essentials did come top in the last Which? trial as well, and they're (allegedly) impartial.


I've had Avast, AVG, Norton (what a disaster), and several others over the years - MSE has been the least problematical for my moderate business needs with no attacks getting through yet (touch wood).

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Not tempted by a hardware firewall/AV device?


I have a netgear prosecure jobbie that does all sorts of good stuff around active filtering, and also allows you to block access to certain parts of the internet.


Think it's this one: http://www.netgear.co.uk/business/products/security/UTM-series/UTM5.aspx

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We use the free version of AVG in the office.

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Depends on ethics.

If you are not too bothered about them then AVG free is a good choice but the EULA says not for business.


I'd also recomend a hardware intrusion prevension device like one of the the Dell-Sonic Wall range.

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