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Westfield World Copy Deadline Approacheth...

Captain Colonial

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The copy deadline for the Spring issue of Westfield World is next Friday, 15th February, so let's be having your words of wit and wisdom and other gems from AOs and members alike as soon as possible please!

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Unless somebody has been holding back, its not going to be the best issue....


...Just managing the expectations of any newbies  ;)

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I'm still writing ours :) although it shouldn't take me too long this month :oops: I'm hoping something interesting may happen at our meet on Sunday so I have something more to write about :laugh:

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Tipin awaay merrrilea as i just got bak frm der pub shud be a gudun this issew  :oops:


Itz a tuff life boozin ona skoll nite fer the gainfully unemploid...

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BTTT - it's this Friday! :t-up:

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Must have been a hell of a trip from the Pub tiping at 0119 hours :o)

My local opens till late :-)

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Would a bi-monthly "Letter from France" be any good. Not this issue but after.

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Are you sure you have time, you have paint to watch dry you know......

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No problem. The paint I've just put on takes 6 hours to dry. 4 hours sleep. So that leaves me 14 hours.

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OK, 4 hours for wine and cheese still leaves me 10 hours.


We could start a regular page. Letter from Canada, Letter from Oz, Letter from France.

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