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I do not understand Cameron!

Norman Verona

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Good point well made Norm.  We are guilty of accepting that the EU has employed tens of thousands of people (or more) whose raison d'etre is to write bullsh*t regulations that cripple our industries then, instead of challenging these, we gold plate them and are more rigorous about implementing and regulating them than most other member states.  So, not only does the whole EU go backwards against the rest of the world, the UK goes backwards against many other member states.  The whole thing smacks of empire building beyond belief.


There is a strong theory that's it's all worth it because it has avoided another european war; personally I think it's the visibility faciliatated by developments on communication that have done most in that area. 

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The reason it won't be a straight in or out vote is because there crappong themselves that it will be a resounding OUT.

There will probably be a referendum but the questions/options will be cleverly worded in such a way that they will get the result they want no matter how the public votes.

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I agree with Stuart.

The 'common market' was a good idea, but its all these crap rules and regs thought up by Brussels , ignored by other countries , but enforced by over zealous burecrats here that cause us grief.

The whole Euro parliment seems a giant waste of money

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As a trading partner it was a good idea but, the whole thing is a gravy train first and foremost. The MEP's cost three times what a British MP costs and even if we vote the current ones out because the EU is run as it is there is little change.

The system of subsides is out of control, countries who have just joined get help to attract businesses to there country with money given by us. So we are paying them to take our jobs with cheaper manufacturing etc.How can this be good for the UK?

We have systems that encourgae people to come here as the entitlement for EU citizens is so generous.

Goverments only ever give referendums where they hope and expect to win. True democracy is where the people vote on everything in the knowledge those who are voted in would do our bidding. That is why they will fudge this question and why the death penalty, which is favoured by most in opinion polls would never get a look in.

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True about the UK employing more civil servants to implement every directive from the EU when, for example, France ignores all that don't suit them completely. 


We should do the same and ignore everything that's not in our interest.

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