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Help WSCC membership cancelled ?


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S*** I had it too... Tried to sort my paypal account out thinking there was a problem, to then be told my payment had been cancelled......

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the link showing how to alter the auto subscriptions is wrong - the way to cancel it is different to stated in the link

go to


my account


my money

my pre-approved payments


there should be a list of people youv dealt with - on right hand side it gives you the status of the transaction - active/cancelled/in-active

click on the relavant one - cancel as required

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Thanks Tex :)


Just to make clear again:


> No one has had their membership cancelled!  The only thing cancelled was the subscription function, which automatically takes the money for membership fees, because some members had accidentally and unknowingly paid twice, once manually and once automatically, necessitating manual refunds for several dozen members, which took a lot of effort.  It's up to you whether or not you want to turn it back on...but if you do, don't forget about it next year and end up paying twice!


> If a payment was cancelled, it was because you accidentally paid us twice.  We love you (and your money), but that's unfair! :)


So don't panic - thanks! :t-up:

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Refunds for duplicate payments have this in the notes as well.


All of these have been processed with Paypal now.

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That's gotta hurt!!!


Sure does - Adrian's eyes and bleeding and Scott's fingers are worn down to the knuckles.


Apologies for any problems casued - but we (well - Scott and Aide) are working on it  :)  :)

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Well done guys for sorting this little blip out. Appreciate the efforts behind the scenes.


Bob  :d  :d  :d :d  :d  :d  

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Can someone explain if this was the members at fault or something that WSCC did to create the auto payment. I'm surprised that Paypal doesn't warn, or at least show you, when paying someone you have set as auto payment. No, on second thoughts I'm not at all surprised.


If the WSCC created the auto payment I am surprised. Does that mean that anyone can access your Paypal account and create auto payments?

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OK, I shall attempt to explain.  Get yourself a strong cup of coffee or tea, this is going to be dull... :zzz:


Were the members at fault?  Not really, unless you expect every member to have exceptional powers of memory.  Cast your mind back to the evening of 4 January 2012 around 9 PM, when the new boardroom came online.  When it did, members were asked to top up their membership periods in order to migrate their accounts to the new boardroom.  So for example, If your membership expired in June 2012, you were asked to pay the appropriate amount to top up your membership period until January 2013, which then got you on to the new boardroom.


This was done because the alternative was for the then MemSec, Jon Curtis, to manually transfer each account individually to the new boardroom, which would have taken weeks.  (In the end, I had to transfer the final 300+ members this way to get one integrated and complete membership list last July - my fingers and I remember it well.)


Members were given an incentive of an extra free month's membership if they did so as well.


For the first two and one-half days, the package had the PayPal auto-subscribe setting turned "On" as a default, so that the membership fees would be automatically taken out each year and members didn't have to worry about their memberships lapsing, and reducing the workload on the MemSec.  However, there was sufficient complaint about this well-meaning setting from members that the decision was taken to set the default as "Off" for packages that signed up afterwards.


This left a number of members who upgraded in those first few days who had the auto-subscribe setting turned "On".


Fast-forward to early December 2012 - the boardroom, which is not integrated with PayPal at all, starts sending out renewal reminder emails to members whose memberships expire in 30 days.  The members with auto-subscribe turned "On", being the wonderful people they are but either forgetting or not knowing that auto-subscribe was still engaged, respond and pay their membership fees manually.


Then in early January, these fine 80 people, unbeknownst to them for the most part, have another membership renewal fee automatically withdrawn by PayPal, because that's the way the package was set up.  Cue mass hilarity, swearing backstage, and RSI issues.  As has been said, ALL auto-subscribes have been turned "Off" now, so the situation won't crop up again.  (It does add extra workload on to the MemSec's role though, as I now get quite a few more emails and PMs about "Why has my membership expired?", "How do I renew?", "Why can't I post any more?", etc.)


So that's how it happened.  The auto-subscribe was engaged when the package was created, not afterwards.  AFAIK, it's not possible to go back and turn auto-subscribe back on now unless we create a new package with it turned "On", which the PayPal customer would have to sign up to.  So I wouldn't worry about anyone accessing your PayPal account and setting up auto payments without your knowledge and acceptance.


FYI, refunding is not a one-click operation, either.  Poor Adrian had to go through five different steps on each refund, and at one point a few evenings ago, had six different computer screens on at the same time to handle it all.


Welcome to our world, Norman. :d

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you lot deserve a cuppa. though i wasn't effected I will gladly get you one for all the work that must have gone on and in your own time too  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:

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You have worked hard, I was affected well sort off as actuall ypaypal refused to take my money as apparently my card was out of date. So I ended up saving you some work

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I've been in that world for 30 years Scott, I know what it's like.


However, I do find it extraordinary that a credit card facility allows a 3rd party to set up what is in effect a Standing Order. At least I would expect the account holder to be informed. 


However, whatever it was can I add my congratulations to a job well done and all the hard work.


I think you two should take 2 weeks paid leave. 

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Norman, the account holders were informed at the time, and after the setting was turned "Off" by default, instructions were posted on how affected individuals could turn the auto-subscribe feature "Off" - these instructions are still there in the pinned Membership FAQ thread (Item #4).


Paid leave - very funny.

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As I thought.


And what's wrong with paid leave.


Two weeks holiday on full pay. OK, the pay is zero but it's pay never the less. (can't you tell I've been writing programmes for too long)

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