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Your very own DIY SOS


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Dads decorating and taken the bolt out the door, so the door handle is useless, I didn't realise this and locked myself in the bathroom!


Thank god the bolt thingy was in the bathroom and there was a hair clip there that I used to take the screws out and get the handle off, was almost a disaster! stress avoided!


So, anyone else done something stupid like this and using their ingenuity managed to save themselves from a couple hours staring at a wall till someone gets home to rescue them? :d

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:d :D :d the important bit is I didn't have to climb out the window naked and try get the dog to let me back in the house :laugh:

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I'm surprised Norman didn't start this.

Glad you got out

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I did it once and had to tunnel my way out using a hairclip , the wife went mad when she found out I'd ruined her best slide :(



Just glad she didnt look under the bath :)  

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I once had to jump out an en-suite bathroom window in a hurry.

Was'nt my window,

was'nt my bathroom....

was'nt my house....

and the lady involved, was'nt my..... well, you get the picture... :d

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Can't be me. We only have 3 doors in the whole house. One between kitchen and lounge, one between lounge and day room and one sliding door on the downstairs loo. But none have locks so no problem.

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I once had to jump out an en-suite bathroom window in a hurry.

Was'nt my window,

was'nt my bathroom....

was'nt my house....

and the lady involved, was'nt my..... well, you get the picture... :d

Old pal of mine did a similar thing , but was someones boudoir , he was escaping from the RN shore patrol but forgot he was 3 floors up . spent the rest of his days in a wheelchair

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