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Hic :oops: happy new yeaqr

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A aren't there yet but happy new year to you lot anyway.....Hic...

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Happy New Year to everyone. :xmas:

Life is funny.

Went to Stanstead to pick my step daughter up after having Christmas in Gran Caneria.... on the way home Mrs T and me convince ourselves that we should stay in this evening and have a bottle of wine and a nice meal...Great thats what we shall do. :) We pull up on the drive...our neighbour walks over.... fancy a couple of drinks in the pub, nothing much, just a couple. :d Oh ok why not. :blush: Well fast forward SEVEN hours....and here i am talking to you lot and where is Mrs T..... laying on the bed fully dressed after trying to drink lager, wine, sambuca and champagne. What a night :d  :d .

I hope the year is going to be as good as this evening :d .



P.S sory 4 eni spelin mis takes, ard 2 focus.

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That's weird, I was walking to the neighbours at 10pm last night. The other half has got flu, so I went to join them for the new year after she went to bed

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Tyson, been there, done that, got the Tee shirt, baseball cap and the socks. We spent years going up to High Bradfield, The Old Horns Inn for new years night. Usually at least 20 of us. Then walk down the hill at 3 am to ours to finish off.


Many times we would pop up for a sandwich at lunch time, say 11:30. Then got talking to friends and ended up staying for dinner and coming home at 01:00. Over 13 hours in the pub!


Ed to add a picture from the car park of The Old Horns Inn, High Bradfield.




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