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Speed Series Correspondent

Terry Everall

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I have volunteered to act as self appointed speeds series correspondent

I would therefore like to receive phone calls or emails from competitors to add some words to what entices us into sprinting and hill climbing. I am happy to look at writing stuff that newbies are interested in and also upgrades or frustration with cars, engines, events, the scoring system or whatever to make it an interesting read for all.   It may be a bit biased towards BECs and older drivers but you will have to put up with that. i will see where it can be published such as on this website, by email or magazine etc. I am even happy to print articles that may be controversial or express a minority view so long as it help promote and improve our speed series.

I would like to get something together in next 2 months so lets have it please


Contact details are 



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Good luck with this Terry. Its a good idea in my opinion, the speed series commentaries were always good crack, biggest issue is getting people to contribute as you well know.

I'll be sure to send you snippets from our pre event yoga and domino sessions with Mr James and Mr Nunn!

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Hi Terry


I think you have an excellent idea there.  By giving folk a good insight to the SS scene could lead to more competitors in the future, which can only be a good thing for the series and the club.


If it is of any use to you, I am willing to back up your written word with images, be it at the trackside or somebody’s workshop/garage etc. that may further enhance them.


When you can, give me a ring on 07766 072374 whereupon we can discuss if a synergy exists.

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Thanks for your offer Bob

I will be in touch in about a weeks time as I am nipping off on holiday 

I am interested in class reps to keep me up to fate or cover events I dont attend or even insider moles to leak information on engines and car mods

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Well done Terry - it would be great to re-surrect the SS event write ups and commentaries with a few good quips along the way - they were such an important feature way back in 1998 through to more recent times, providing everyone with info and a few laughs.

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Well done Terry - it would make an excellent blog in here, now that the facilities are online. "Tel's Tales"? "Rev's Ramblings"?

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yes well done wuv ,allways wuved the reports



ps can you be my correspondent to

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What will SWMBO say, Steve?

 ahhh she's past caring wuv

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Well done Terry, I hope that everyone will get behind this and give you the support it deserves. It really helps make the season fun. I will send some info out to all drivers when they are all signed up.

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This is a great idea Terry.  Your write-ups for the Yorkshire report are always good.  The more accessible it is the better together with explanations of target times and Tigger's results etc.  Will help members have a greater involvement and understanding of what the Speed Series is all about.


Rory's Dad

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  • 3 weeks later...

The speed series articles that I will put together will be entitled Tel's Tales

I would be happy to do a pre season report including rumours, upgrades, aspirations, questions etc etc from anyone interested in the speed series whether competing, helping, spectating, partners or just having an opinion.


Just call me on 07767836234 or email me on terry.everall@virgin.net

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Thanks for a topic Martin

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Bob Green has now kindly joined Tel's Tales team as photographer so watch your backs. Anyone got any info, initial pre season reports / comments etc

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