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Lunatic on the road

Young Pretender

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Graham, you really had it all going for you there. Just spoilt it in the last sentence.

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Norman...have I ever told you I love you?    Solidarity comes to mind....on a serious note though.The windscreen wrecker needs sorting,whimping should become an offence punishable by stoning and we should all communicate as much as we can.GOD...I`m so glad I joined this forum....I`ve had more and better adult conversation today than I`ve had since Chrtistmas eve..my last day at work.

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Graham, look HERE for all the details, then email or pm me your dates.

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We all know what the roads are like today & I`ll bet there isn`t one of us who hasn`t experienced some kind of road rage.......I`ve seen my 76 year old mum give other drivers some verbal !This `victim` needs to grow some ba##s and deal with it...not go whimping off to some news network......SORRY but this is the 21st century.....& if you can`t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Maybe next time he`ll get a Westie & he could ESCAPE..... ????

what the devil are you real

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Steve, of course he's real, he's on the internet isn't he?

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Steve, of course he's real, he's on the internet isn't he?

Careful if he comes to France, Norman, he might try and duff you up if he doesn't like your driving! :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

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In the concept of free opinions maybe Graham could consider the effects of visiting one of his relatives maybe wife or daughter who has  manned up and then been physically assaulted by an idiot like that, either in hospital or worse still on the slab. Manning up is fine for the younger, fitter, faster folk probably 1% of the population, for the rest of us mere mortals we try a more decent approach and should the concept of might being right become the norm we will end up carrying guns just like the states. Survival of the fittest may work in the animal kingdom!


Graham don't agree with your comments and hope it never happens to you.


Bob :cry:

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I don't really agree about the "manning up" bit. However, had that lunatic attacked me like that he may well have been on his way to hospital. A man in a rage is easy to bring down because he's not thinking. The first lesson in combat is to keep calm. Losing your temper is not the best way to beat a calm opponent.


Whilst always trying to avoid conflict sometimes you have no choice but to defend yourself. 


Now, back to the video, didn't they say the victim was an ex police officer?

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Bob,it has happened to me.I was a little younger,about 48 I think.I was set upon in the middle of the road by two `travellers` in an old Escort.I stopped after they had chopped me up several times and one thing I learnt from a `paid for` education was never `retreat`,for want of a better word.I`m fine and they ran off with their tails between their legs.A fool who attacks you through rage or,espcially,drunkeness is not in control & therefore vulnerable.These two smelt of alcohol and got what they deserved.I reported the incident to the police....the Escorts reg.was false. I am glad I dealt with it myself & am bringing my three children up the same way.We live in a GREAT country because we didn`t turn,run & tell tales.Shock horror,why is this great country going down the drain? And by the way it wasn`t fun being a victim of road rage & I wouldn`t want it too happen again,but if it does I`m going to deal with it myself.What would you do if you were a victim or witnessed someone else being attacked.......?I think I`d like to help if it was your wife or daughter ``!!!!!

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There comes a time when ultimately its fight or flight time the choice is yours. You will never be or unlikley to be supported by the police who we pay to deal with these people if you take the law into your own hands in this country. Yes it was better when Reggie and Ronnie would kneecap the bad guys, but these days you will be getting into serious bother everyday. There are plenty of dead heroes about as well as the blatant trouble makers. I don't think that the guys attempts to avoid the trouble and informing the police make him less of a man than he would be if he were to use his inalienable right to shoot the bast*rd.



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Great conversation guys.....Great forum and enlightening opinions.Really enjoyed reading all your comments.Look forward to meeting as many of you as I can in the future,hopefully in great circumstances. BE SAFE IN 2013....

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