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Lunatic on the road

Young Pretender

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the only thing the guy did wrong going by what you can see in the video (there may be more to it ??) is not running the idiot over when he had the chance


job to know how you would react in that situation - but I am fairly sure I would not get out of the car to confront him (especially over there) - and I am fairly sure as soon as he was out of the car I would have slammed it into gear and would have knocked him down hard enough to incapacitate the nutter

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bl**** hell... reading some of the posts where people have been describing what they would do in that situation or similar situations is comical. 


Its like im having a few drinks with Jack Reacher from the Lee Childs books "keep calm in confrontations....somebody who is in a rage or drunk is easier to bring down" lol


very funny reading and i do hope that you arnt serious... considering you say your over 48 it is very likely that, in the words of Jack Reacher, "you would have some very serious weaknesses... possible bladder pain from years of drinking which makes a vulnerable weak spot, or damaged knees which would result in shattered bones if kicked." 


So please dont act the hero as many times these days it ends badly 


Love Jack Reacher

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the voiceover blokes voice is annoying, my 2 pennies, if someone gets out their car and runs at me and starts bashing my car and trying to get me out, i will run them over, my life or theirs, always rememeber being about 6 or 7 with my mum and 1 year old sister driving home from plymouth and some matey getting out of his car and walking over to my mums at a set of lights, and trying to put the window through, proper hard man he was! id pay much money to be able to go back in time and wait on the grass verge for it to happen to give the bloke the kicking he so desperately deserved! 


Another time walking the dogs with my mum through our village, a car comes flying past down a lane, mum waves her hand in protest as he almost drives straight into us, he stops gets out and comes flying up the road all guns blazing, stops 5 yards short at the site of a 10 stone german shepard and thinks better of it! 


I f***** hate these danglers and hope they get what they deserve! 


That being said, if the man in the video didn't want to get out, which is understandable, and wants to go to the police, why shouldnt he, the situation is scary to watch, and true an angry man doesnt think, but i know people who when they are angry, they do think, quicker tahn anyone else i know, and they are dangerous when they are angry, just because you won a fight against someone who was angry once doesnt mean you will win everytime, why risk it? He'll do it to teh wrong person one day, and he will meet his maker, and make an A*** of himself in the process, and hopefully will learn a lesson in life! 

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One of my relatives ended up in hospital in similar circumstances - all because he would not "let the person in at the roadworks" - you know the one, everyone else filters in politely and then you get the selfish bar steward who seems to think he does not have to queue.  Perhaps he should have let him in - but to get battered with a cricket bat is hardly the right way to settle the argument.


Sad thing is - more and more of this sort of behaviour is becoming evedent on the roads today.

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Anybody remember the chap that manned up to Ken Noye over a road rage incident? If not try google. 

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Indeed, angry people are also irrational people - they've already lost control remember. These days sadly, they're often armed people too, it's when you climb out thinking you're still a teenager and pretend to be Bruce Willis that you find they had a blade on them.


I also hope we won't be seeing any of our club members prosecuted after having attempted to use a car as a lethal weapon. You talk about the original guy over reacting, but really, attempted murder as a response?

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If I feared that that man was going to punch his way through the door window and then proceed to do the same to my head, I'd be inclined to aim my car at him yes. I'm not talking reversing 100 yards and taking a run up, but when he was running at the car, id be willing to meet him half way at 10 miles an hour or so, would soon stop him in his tracks. 


As has been said, it's always best to walk away, whether it be roadrage, in teh pub, in a supermarket wherever whenever its always best to walk away, live to walk away another day! lifes to short, unless ypu have no choice but to fight, save yourself the hassle! Around here there are many gangsta's and little hood rats and such like, all full of hot air, it is very tempting to put them on their A***, but if you do so, the next time you see them there is 20 of them, and then you get to make acquaintances with a hospital bed for your troubles! a quiet life is a good life :)

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One of my relatives ended up in hospital in similar circumstances - all because he would not "let the person in at the roadworks" - you know the one, everyone else filters in politely and then you get the selfish bar steward who seems to think he does not have to queue.  Perhaps he should have let him in - but to get battered with a cricket bat is hardly the right way to settle the argument.


Sad thing is - more and more of this sort of behaviour is becoming evedent on the roads today.

Not justifying his actions as violence is no answer but he was actually correct stopping in the right hand lane until the rd works start.

The signs that say "use both lanes" and "merge in turn" are usually a give away. Everyone just pulls over as soon as possible thinking there doing the right thing but infact all they do is make the que longer and let people take advantage.

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Are you serious Echoz? A ten foot run up? And why not just reverse out if you have that much manoeuvring room? You wouldn't believe how light a "tap" from a car can be fatal to a pedestrian.


it's a good point Phil, we just often don't seem to get out heads round what out transatlantic cousins call zip merging in this country, though I have noticed we do seem to be getting better at it. Interestingly, it does seem to be younger drivers :yes:  I notice doing it more naturally, not sure if that's actually something taught now though?

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Heat of the moment with someone attacking me, who knows GM, I'm not saying it's right by any means, 2 wrongs don't make a right, and I'm normally quite level headed, have been in the situation before and drove away, but if that happened to me and he dived up my bonnet and has a punch hard enough to smash a windscreen in one hit, I think I'd probably panic a little bit and put my foot to the floor rather than think to put it in reverse! I guess you don't know til the day, but what's for sure is if he got that man out the car, I can't imagine he would have given him just a stern talking to! 


If one does not want to be run over by a car, one should not run at a car in a frenzied attack! 

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Not justifying his actions as violence is no answer but he was actually correct stopping in the right hand lane until the rd works start.

The signs that say "use both lanes" and "merge in turn" are usually a give away. Everyone just pulls over as soon as possible thinking there doing the right thing but infact all they do is make the que longer and let people take advantage.


Take your point Fifan - but this was not quite that simple as is often the case. 


Whatever the wrongs and rights of queuing - 2 things are always certain, 1: you will always get the "make way for me bloke" forcing his way into the very last spot and 2:  he will always give you the finger or worse (as in my relatives case) if he loses the "battle".   We have all seen these d*ckheads on the roads - sadly, it now seems popular to get out of the car with some sort of weapon with which to reap revenge.


Be careful out there!

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I think you'll find the best weapon in these circumstances is to smile politely at whoever moron is trying to barge in and say "after you sir" swallow your pride , drive on and forget it :t-up:

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Interesting thread. Pistonbroke - I agree with you but the sad thing is that most people do just this and the "bargers" think they can get away with it the whole time and it encourages them to carry on doing it.  I do wonder what these "road rage" people are like at home - do they beat up the missus because dinner's a bit late?


As someone once said - for evil to prosper it only needs good men to do nothing.  However, I bite the bullet and try to forget it since it is their blood pressure that is getting higher, not mine.



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I used to go down the right hand lane to the front of the queues. However, I then waited to be let in. It didn't take long for someone to slow and wave me in.

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