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Lunatic on the road

Young Pretender

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Don't condone it but he was not telling the whole story, i don't bet, but i put a tenner on he stuck his brakes on first as he thought the other driver was driving to close.

Certainly got out of hand and i bet he won't do it again.

I would imagine that both the driver and passenger got nicked. :oops:

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Why did he have a camera running?

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We all know what the roads are like today & I`ll bet there isn`t one of us who hasn`t experienced some kind of road rage.......I`ve seen my 76 year old mum give other drivers some verbal !This `victim` needs to grow some ba##s and deal with it...not go whimping off to some news network......SORRY but this is the 21st century.....& if you can`t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Maybe next time he`ll get a Westie & he could ESCAPE.....????

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Graham, sounds like he was doing everyone else a favour by trying to get the guy off the road when passing the tape to the news channel. If indeed it was him and not the authorities.  Personally I don't think anyone should have to 'deal with it'.



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We all know what the roads are like today & I`ll bet there isn`t one of us who hasn`t experienced some kind of road rage.......I`ve seen my 76 year old mum give other drivers some verbal !This `victim` needs to grow some ba##s and deal with it...not go whimping off to some news network......SORRY but this is the 21st century.....& if you can`t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. Maybe next time he`ll get a Westie & he could ESCAPE..... ????


Have you watched the video?? This isn't your usual coffee beans and finger show road rage, the guy has got a screw loose. Sorry but saying he should grow some balls is just stupid, it could be good way of getting killed judging by the way the guy was going on.


Very easy to be a keyboard warrior and claim someone should grow balls etc, bet it's not so easy when you are there. He did the right thing, avoid getting out the car and called the Police. 

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I`m serious I`m afraid.Sorry and not all of you will agree with my views, but today I think a lot of people need to `MAN UP` and then this type of bullying would stop.I bet most of you were told by your dads to `deal with it` when you  were kids.Telling tales to the playground attendant about `Johnny` never stopped him bullying,but a punch on the nose did.....or at least at my school.    The guy was arrested & he will be punished..GOOD.But I think the `victim` is whimping out for his 15 minutes of fame!.......pass me some tissues.

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what a pile of dribble. maybe you can handle yourself but i would have got the hell out of there and called the police.


yeah i could man up and get myself in hospital for the pleasure of flatten him and then get arrested for assault.

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Hmm. School bully is one thing, adults? "Manning up" to the wrong person could end up in tradegy, look at the Kenneth Noye incident. Stand up for yourself fine but it doesn't always have to mean a punch up. 


I don't see the problem with the guy going to the news. It might be been suggested by the Police? If they were having trouble tracking the nutter down? Also people have come forward to report they have had trouble with him as well, thanks to being in the news. Lastly, the nutters name is in the press, he's brought shame on himself and his family. That's going to live with him longer than a black eye. 

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WOW...I`ve really got you all communicating.I am so glad we live in a society that encourages free speech.This is my opinion & many of you will not agree but we are communicating & that is aVERY GOOD thing.   I`m not saying the guy should have beat the s@+t out of the windscreen wrecker but I don`t think he did himself any favours  going on TV and looking like the last type of guy you`d want your daughter to bring home. Prison teaches very few people any lesson but experiences do.I`m sure the `victim` wasn`t faultless & I bet this situation never occurs again.The `guilty` guy will always be an ANGRY man I reckon, until someone stands up to him.COMMUNICATION is the way to to overcome conflict,we all know that, but someone once said `speak softly and carry a big stick`.    Remember guys this is my opinion & I support Chelsea!

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