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Televisual Program stuff: Rallyings Craziest Years, tonight 10 pm

Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

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It's been on before, but if like me you missed it and were a fan of Group B rallying in the Eighties, head to BBC4 at 10 pm tonight for "Madness On Wheels, Rallyings Craziest Years".

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Hope I can get home in time as I am in the traffic chaos heading for Birmingham! Currently having a break in Sandbach!

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Really enjoyed that; both enjoying reminiscing about what to me as a teenaged car nut at the time will always be the glory days of rallying, and yet moving at the same time govern the tragedies involved.


The one thing that staggers me now, is just how short a period of time it all happened over, I'd have sworn that it was far longer.


Also seems  strange looking back at the technologies. I remember back then, hungrily devouring everything I could in Cars and Car Conversions magazine and Autosport about the amazing state of the art Group B machines. Yet now we seem so blasé about Evo's, Scubbies etc.


it also saddens me how much to see how far rallying has fallen from how big it was back then and before. I remember watching it regularly on Saturday's World of Sport/Grandstand type program's, going to spectate on, what will always in my mind be the Lombard RAC Rally, which I'd swear used to take a week when I was young! 

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Sad that so many deaths killed off the Gp. B cars just look at the Italians and Portugese actually on the road when the cars are passing, was organisers fault back then.

As for televised Rallying I guess it's the way of the world of TV now you have to pay for these events, people just loose interest when you have to keep switching Pay channels to watch such sports. Ruby is going the same way as well, can't even watch the England games live any more but it's OK for Wales and Scotland. Thes e sports governing bodies are just selling their soul thesedays.

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Called business as apposed to sport.


Sadly true it would appear.


Did you catch one of the injured guys in the big RS200 off talking about how blaming the spectators was like blaming a house for being crashed into. (I wasn't aware Portuguese houses had a habit of jumping about in the road, but hey ho.)

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Well his livelihood was at stake.


(I didn't see it) 

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Most ridiculous comment was by a Portugeezer who had been having a laugh and a few drinks with his friends spectating on the road at the time of Fateful crash, he said "The car ripped of the sole of his shoe" and went on to say " the organizers were at fault"

Sounds like the "No one told me" brigade over here.

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What part of "motorsport is dangerous" did they not understand

bl**** idiots on the road and too close to the road with cars on the limit. What did they think the drivers were going to do when they lost control of the car

I watched RACa and Mintex  rallies etc and we all stood behind big trees or well back or else the stage was correctly cancelled by marshals  ( eg Greystokes Forest in Lake s in 1966 when Roger Clark won RAC Rally )

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