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Essex Area is now on Facebook

Mark (smokey mow)

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I've liked, but I'm not a big user of facebook. Can't see why I would want to go there for westfield stuff rather than here. If there's something that this website doesn't offer the on-line westy nut, then surely it would be better to add to this site? Local area sections for instance?


Not meaning to pee on your efforts setting it up Mark, I know lots of people are addicted to facebook, I'm just a facebook curmudgeon who values his privacy and is probably a bit paranoid  :down:




Hi Ben, no offence is taken and any feedback is welcome :) The idea of a FB page is very much as another method to keep everyone in the area posted as to what is and has been going on, it certainly wont replace the boardroom and I will still continue to promote events of both sites.  The big advantage of FB is that it keeps everything relevant to our area in one place and it's readily readable and available without trawling through other pages as you would have to on the forum.  It's been interesting to watch for the last 3 days since the FB page went live that every time this thread gets bumped back to the top on this forum we gain another 4-5 likes on FB but it all goes quiet again once this thread drops off the bottom of the screen.


As I've found with events in the past if the thread isn't constantly bumped back up people may not necessarily see it or are more likely to forget whereas followers of FB will see it straight away in their news feeds.


Actually, you'd be surprised; I've got local members who have quite openly said they're glad we've now gone on FB, as they get all the automatic updates/reminders etc. They are club members that don't and won't come on the Boardroom. (Interestingly, they're not, as I imagined they might be, younger members That you'd think of as the Facebook generation).


I'm not a fan personally, my own FB bit that I needed in order to set up the club site has very little activity. But it's an important extra method of communication.


Totally agree about members who don't visit the forum.  By my count we currently have 33 WSCC Members in Essex, but of those there are 11 that have not posted more than 10 times on the forum and 9 of those that have never posted at all.


If FB can reach out to these people (which it has already with a couple) and encourage them to get more involved with the local events then hopefully it is doing some good.

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Yep, my main priority is how to bring as much benefit from club membership to as many local members as possible. Recognising that we have a wide range of interests, ranging from those that er make full use of the Boardroom to those that just aren't comfortable.


I'm receptive to any ideas on how to reach everyone I can, emailing has worked well. But I'm very conscious of not over using it. Facebook has reached another group of members, I'm keen to try and get a text based contact method set up, though that's proving tricky!


but all these are in parallel, and non will replace the Boardroom either, it's just now, when updating event details, it takes us a bit longer as we have to do each of the media in turn!


nearly forgot, all on-line info that I put up has links to all the others.

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Well in that case it has proven itself already. Maybe it will encourage me to be a bigger user of Facebook... :d


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:d  :d  :d 

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Yep, my main priority is how to bring as much benefit from club membership to as many local members as possible. Recognising that we have a wide range of interests, ranging from those that er make full use of the Boardroom to those that just aren't comfortable.


I'm receptive to any ideas on how to reach everyone I can, emailing has worked well. But I'm very conscious of not over using it. Facebook has reached another group of members, I'm keen to try and get a text based contact method set up, though that's proving tricky!


but all these are in parallel, and non will replace the Boardroom either, it's just now, when updating event details, it takes us a bit longer as we have to do each of the media in turn!


nearly forgot, all on-line info that I put up has links to all the others.

Cleggy sends out Text messages to a group in Cambs. area ask him how to do it.

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I have a love/hate attitude to FB but if using it benifits our members then that has to be good :t-up:

Even Pete seems to be getting the hang of it now too :d:laugh::oops:

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I think Facebooks an excellent resource for a local area as its perfectly suited to bookmark upcoming events, talk about past events, and collect photos etc.. From the local owners.

All the content is relevant to the local members.

It'll never be a replacement to the boardroom for advice, general chat, classifieds, etc...

Two very different resources and both very handy, I'm definitely glad and grateful for the new Essex Facebook page!

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Not much activity on the FB page at the moment???? Where is everyone????

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We're all busy wrapping our Chrsitmas presents :) 


I'd say not having a car is quite a good excuse though :oops:

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Thanks to all our followers, we're so far up to 29 likes :t-up: who will be number 30? :cool:

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I would if I could. But I'm not signing up again.

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I did, she said something like sex and travel.


She's very grumpy because she has a cold.


No, she's very grumpy "."

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