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Polite Notice On Boardroom Appearance Change

Captain Colonial

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Just a polite notice that at some point in the next few days, there will be very minor changes in the appearance of the front page of the boardroom. No posts or threads are being deleted, but a few slight tweaks to area descriptions will be seen, as well as small changes to the order in which the areas appear on the page to group them more rationally. So please don't worry, it's all to make it more logical.

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Slowly slowly we are being manipulated by the masters great plan to overcome the world and seek domination over everything.

Hope it goes well whatever it is, look forward to the "New Look"

Bob :p :p

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Don't get too excited, it's more like rearranging books on the shelf into the same categories. If you look at it as it stands, it's a bit random! But changing it without an announcement might provoke a missive from Angry from Tunbridge Wells and Co.

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Does it make sense to ask for the most used forii (?) to be grouped together.

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It's been like this for so long without any real complaint I am bound to say that if it ain't broke don't fix it.

BUT... I suspect the re-shuffle / re-descriptions pave the way for the extra forii like the Stuff and Nonsense section and the Traders sections to be placed in their appropriate areas. Just plonking them in would possibly make the layout seem more haphazard than it may appear to the casual observer so sorting it out now is the thing to do...

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the needs of the many are greater than the needs of the few

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The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one...

Getting the quote wrong is illogical. Getting your ears done is imparctical... unless we can buy beanie hats with extensions...

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Norman could refit his new machine and do a run on beanie hats!....

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But you wouldn't want to be the odd one out by not having them done, would you?

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You want me to make wooden beanie hats?

I'll have a word with Jacob, get permission and start a BB.

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Topic area revamp completed. While it's realised some don't like change, nothing has been lost, just categorised much more effectively and one or two appropriate label changes - hopefully you'll get used to the slightly changed layout quickly.

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