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deemon thieves


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what the devil no really what the devil

i have received 8 deemon thieves catalouges in the last 3 days ,4 at work and 4 at home so what the devil shirley someone must realise that they have sent me 8 copies , in these lean times they must be waisting hundreds of thousands on catalouges by sending folk mulitipal copies , i know they must spend a vast amount on these things but come on they are going to waste ,a computer somewhere must realise and ring the alarm bell mr d has already had a copy dont send him another , or does the computer go what the chuff send him another 7 :cry:

answers on a deemon thieves catalouge please and send to me :bangshead:

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10% discount code with my one copy :t-up:

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does that mean i get 80% wuv

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group buy maybe :d :d :d :d :d :d :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Not any more, They'll have to go, cap in hand to Mr Steve.

I haven't had mine yet :cry:

But it's cheaper for them to let the systems do the mailing than spend time manually checking there database. Unless they have software to remove duplications and no one has bothered.

We spent ages writing a programme to detect crap database entries in our dealer system. Our support desk still get calls about them having 3 Mr Smiths. We explain that they've added them and to run the cleanser which will highlight the duplications and allow them to consolidate the info. The support people check a week later and the database is exactly the same.

Head against wall!

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I would like 1.

Nellie, our post lady, stopped whilst I was filling the bottle recycle bin with last weeks bottles. She rummaged amongst the post on her passenger seat, then got out and rummaged amongst the stuff through the back doors, then opened the side door for another rummage. I'm sure I saw a few English magazines in the mag box but no, I ended up with one letter. And it wasn't for me but the folk we have in the gite.

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I would also like one. Might have to re-register

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I got two - interestingly both addresses were slightly different (text and capitals etc) so I imagine if they see a sale they add the details to their mailshot database.

I`ve used them for years without changing details so cant see how and why but my son has one catalougue and now so do I :)

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I received my copy...problem is, it's a good read, but, for almost everything they are just too expensive....

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I used to end up with about 5 from various places, recently it is only the one, but it goes the same place it always does, the bin.

A catalogue? How 1990's...

Seriously does anybody actually use the catalogue anymore?

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The web is good when you know exactly what you want but you can't beat lounging in the bath with the imaginary bank balance and a catalog

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