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Can we have a huge round of applause for.....

Norman Verona

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The Mem Sec and the rest of the committee.

I feel they are having a hard time at the moment.

It's a thankless task especially when you have to introduce change.

So, can we put our hands together, arise and give them a huge standing ovation.

Just think, "Would I do that job" and you'll applaud even louder.

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+4 :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:


They deserve and need a hard time! It's not a sign of people being argumentative and negative, it's a sign of people being passionate about what's best for the club we all (I hope) support.

There have been some excellent suggestions from outside the committee too, some of which may be unworkable in practice and have been already considered and ruled out. Let's try and keep level heads entrenched positions on either side will be no way forward.

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Gadgetman, Sorry to disagree, they do not DESERVE a hard time.

They have a hard time and we should be constructive with our suggestions, as you rightly say. However, if anyone feels that passionate shouldn't they step forward and take up a job on the committee?

I've been there in other clubs. It's a thankless task and many times I had to sit and count to 10 (sometimes very slowly and loudly). Members can be a real pain in the backside. I've said it before but my experience says 10% do all the work and the remaining 90% complain about it.

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I disagree, but we're just arguing about semantics, if it's not a hard time it's an easy time. ie everyone politely nods and says yes to every decision, even the wrong ones. Without a "hard time" it's easy to drift, with all the best intentions, down blind alleys as you loose sight of the wider picture.

The committee has to represent us, but there is not room for everyone that feels passionate about the club to be on there. Nor should there be, if you have too large a committee it can become impossible to reach decisions.

The committee operates on our behalf, it will never please everyone all the time, that's just life. Sometimes hard decisions must be made. Decisions that should (and I believe have not) been taken lightly. That was my point.

I too have been there in other clubs and national organisations.

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Thumbs up here too...

Now I may be having a house warming, mem sec's local...

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OK, semantics. I still say, whilst they will have a hard time they do not DESERVE it. They could have left it as was and not many would have been bothered. They decided to make changes, some of which have been asked for by members and now they will have a hard time.

But DESERVE... not sure.

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They had a hard time before, I rather suspect. Most of the list of changes are the considered response to either existing on-going situations or the (very necessary, I believe) need to take the club further and ensure it's long term future.

The club and the world it operates in are quite different now to ten years ago, and I've no doubt it's very early days as well.

The nature of it's membership now is quite different to when I joined. That's just the way the world turns. We must adapt and to a certain extent reinvent to keep pace, such changes will never be easy, particularly for those of us that have been in the club far longer than newcomers like I ;)

There will be hard work for us all ahead, but hard isn't a bad word! Nor a negative thing!

We give ourselves a hard time in the hope that something better will come out of it. Those that stick their head above the parapet to help steer it have my utmost respect and support.

It's like a family, I'll defend the club/committee to all and sundry, but amongst ourselves, I will offer both support and hard questions when I feel they are needed, in the belief that the club/committee will take those points onboard. (And if I'm wrong, out voted or in a minority, I will move on, put personal thoughts aside and support the greater club. But I do that in the knowledge that I've been listened to!)

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:oops: Oops, said more than I intended. But felt it was important to avoid confusion! :down: Sorry Norman. I'll go away and be quiet now :blush:
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No, don't go away and be quiet.

I'm just being pedantic. I only object to the word "deserve". It's as if you have to have a hard time to be on the committee.

I fully agree with the post above.

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The use of words often is the difference between dialog and debate, what is important is the recognition of the committee members dedication and commitment to this organization. They know full well they are taking on a thankless task and I feel sure they are also aware that there will be hard times ahead of them, as for us who don't ever get involved on the actual decision making, a need to show our support and appreciation should be obvious as should our desire to see this wonderful forum move forward with the times. I love the banter that goes back and forwards between informed and educated members, always better in my eyes when it is dialog. I must humbly agree on one point that Deserve sounded a bit heavy..

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