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How many laps would you typically get for your dollar at a sprint event?

I was by far the slowest/worst driver at Llandow over the weekend (still had an excellent time!!) and wonder if I might enjoy myself a bit more going to lots of track days before starting to take part in the Sprint Series.

Thoughts would be much appreciated!!

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With most sprints you get 2 practice runs and 2 or 3 timed runs.

At Llandow you get almost 2 laps of the circuit on each timed run because your start from behind the control tower, do a full lap and then finish at the start of the pit straight.

On paper sprints look poor value but it is the competitive element that makes all the difference. I get a bit bored at track days.

I wouldn't worry about being slow - in many ways you are also competing against your own times. Also there will be lots of people pleased to offer advice on lines and technique.

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Driving as fast as you can will always be better after some instruction and that's usually available at trackdays. I didn't realise how cack-handed I was untill the instructor at Cadwell held on to the wheel to stop me turning in too early etc etc :o :o :laugh:

Rory's Dad

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i'm slow.... it just means you get more seconds for your money!!!!

if you want a chat email me.

2nd year of competing.... and happy but beating my own times.



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Driving as fast as you can will always be better after some instruction and that's usually available at trackdays. I didn't realise how cack-handed I was untill the instructor at Cadwell held on to the wheel to stop me turning in too early etc etc :o :o :laugh:

Rory's Dad

The embarrassing thing was that I've previously spent an entire afternoon with an instructor at Llandow!! I just couldn't seem to get to grips (ha ha!) with the car in the wet...although saying that, I wouldn't have been surprised if I was the slowest in the dry too. I seem to either go slowly round a corner, or backwards!!

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I was by far the slowest/worst driver at Llandow over the weekend

Thoughts would be much appreciated!!

i cant believe that as i happen to know the bristol lads were there in a mk2 escort :d

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CJ, i'm a newbie and have only been on sprint track's on non-competitive days so far.

I have found that on a dry day with a warm track my car is quick compared to tin-tops and some 300hp type of Jap imports.... as soon as it rains or the straights eat up the top end i seem much slower. What were the conditions like when you went out? what tyres were you on?

I'm competing next year as I want to use the car in road going class to see A) how quick I am compared to other cars within the class and B) how my driving compares with the other chaps/chappesses. £ per run it think it's great value and as others have said you are competing rather than just lapping (albeit that is great fun).

I think it's like Rugby - i enjoy training on Tuesday/Thursday but I want a game on Saturday!

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I guess the answer to how much............ not much. At some events you get more than others but they vary between 30 seconds and about 2 minutes. Track days do have their place for "seat time" which is always useful for getting to learn what the car does underneath you and how hard you can push before it lets go, but they do tend to lack the competitiveness that sprinting actually brings.

What you will find at any wscc event is an abundance of willing individuals who have been doing this for what seems like forever, who will always happily advise on individual tracks, car set up etc etc........ then get ready to really spend as the addiction of sprinting and hillclimbing and the great company develops. :t-up:

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Thanks for all the replies chaps...food for thought. I might just have to go all out and do track days AND sprinting!!

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You'll probably need and aeroscreen depending which class you want to enter.

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