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Please Note: Forthcoming New Signature Size Limits

Captain Colonial

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But perfectly formed. :d

That, BTW, is what 175 pixels high looks like. Approximately 3.5 times that width will be the maximum. So not a huge difference, is it? :)

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so people have smaller signatures so we can fit the sponsors logos on .no good deals for members without paying extra

whats next

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You can always ignore signatures :oops:

Well, YOU can - us Admins would love to, but we have to keep an eye on everyone and so can't "Ignore"...

On another note, when you do your signature, please note the default text colour is grey, but you can set it for whatever colour you like to make it easier to read at any time.

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New signature limits are now in effect. Your old signature size, if in excess of the new limits, may not change at first, but it will need to meet the new limits if you alter it in any way. If you don't change it and the administrators feel it necessary to change it because it's well in excess of the limits, they may adjust your signature to meet these new limits.

That's about the limit of my desire to talk about limits, as my patience is not limitless.

/going for a limited period lie-down now

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You sound like a limited company.

I re-sized mine to the size you said.

What a good boy I am. :)

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Thank you, good boy! Of course, I say that not as the committee member, but as a person of limited means. (That's enough about limits, you're fired - Ed)

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But we must all know our limitations.

Mine seem to be 600 x 175.

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