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Russian Driving - This Has To Be The Best Yet


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Its The Wodka

Exactly what I thought. My fav is the Horse crossing, didn't anyone tell it the crossing is for pedestrians.

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Thats true but quite clearly there are more over there!!!

Perhaps this is why they have cameras in their cars!

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Mike has been working in Moscow and tells me that none of this is too surprising. He says that when it snows the city comes to a halt because, compared to 15 years ago, there is four times as much traffic and most of it is Mercs, Audis, and BMWs with wide shallow tread tyres when it used to be Moskvitchs and Ladas on skinny items. The result is hundreds of traffic incidents as soon as the white stuff arrives. Even with an armed government driver he says that one trip back to the airport got a bit marginal when they averaged just over 3mph through the city centre ~ you can apparently forget the Bourne car chase sequence.

Grannie Annie.

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Sure that wasn't filmed in Handsworth?

In a long line of traffic, some guy in his tigra convertiable was doing 40-50 on wrong side of road forcing on coming traffic on pavement!

Been driven into 3 times and run over twice! Seen many cars in fences, hedges and walls...


Happened today, not there when I went to work


Last week on the way to work


Last Monday about 500yds from my place


On the corner outside mine two weeks ago

Please understand why this place scares me...

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i've spent an hour or so watching this video and others and i am gobsmacked.

The only thing i would drive over there is a tank.

One guy stuffed his car into another on a crossroad and just got out ,got his case and walked off and never even looked back.

And the amount of them that pull a gun out is unreal.

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I have been looking at these videos for hours :laugh: they are unreal, driving round marble arch is nothing in comparison :d

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