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The Cars We Bought And Wish We Hadn't

Welly Jen

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1985 Fiat Pnda which I bought when I was 18. It was a year old and the biggest pile of junk ever made by an Italian car manufacturer, and hat is really saying something. The back seat was basically a hammock and the engine didnt go at all when it was wet, so in the South of Scotland, that wasnt very often. Then there was the handling......Had it for a few months, tok a massive hit on depreciation and bought an MK1 XR2.

My current VW Caddy van is beginning to go the same way and prove unreliable, but it is now 6 years old and 110k on the clock.

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Oh, Honda S2000! Sold Robin Hood, wanted adult car. Replaced lights £800, tyres £600, brake pads/discs £300, changed full stereo, amp and speakers £800... List continues. Paid £5k, spent £3k in three weeks, cut my losses and got £3,500 for it... At a struggle! It had power at high revs and in a straight line. But not the pick up and handling of the ROBIN HOOD! Got a Westfield, never not having a Westfield!

My S2000 was absolutely faultless and I abused the hell out of it! Even learnt to drift in it and it was still perfect!

Car I regret the most? Modified MR2 Turbo. The most unreliable heap I've ever had the misfortune to own. Every journey was 50/50 on actually reaching the destination....

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My S2000 was absolutely faultless and I abused the hell out of it! Even learnt to drift in it and it was still perfect!

Car I regret the most? Modified MR2 Turbo. The most unreliable heap I've ever had the misfortune to own. Every journey was 50/50 on actually reaching the destination....

My turbo'd MX5 was probably the most financially ruinous though. I reckon I must have sunk £20k into that thing. Good fun though.

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1970 Marina 1800TC. Where do I start, oh yes, Bought it in the dark, next morning noticed the paint was in 3 different shades of red. Got stolen 2 weeks after I bought it, was returned by the police later with no seats, couldn't afford the original seats so bought some standard ones in the wrong colour, cheap. Gearbox woes 2 months later, slips out of 3rd. & 4th. and diff whined. never fixed that. about 6 months later caught fire. I was an early learner about British Leyland car quality so never bought one again. I was young then and had a steep learning curve about buying used cars, much wiser now of course.

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My first boxster - a fabulous car in all ways, but the lies Porsche told about its depreciation and what their offer to buy back prices would be were staggering....I was young, naive and trusted them....took a £10K loss in 18 months....I've never bought new since and never will again.

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1980 Leyland Princess HLS 2200 Auto - in turd brown. Company car, actually, but in its life of 72,000 miles and two years there was never a single day without a fault of some sort. It even broke down on the way to the dealer who bought it from the firm at the end of my keepership.

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54' plate 1800 zetec SeiW, in chrome yellow. Never gets seen had 3 people drive into me while stationary and since buying it every body panel has been replaced.

Get me out of Birmingham!!!

It's probably the worst car I've ever owned because I don't think I could ever part with it or replace it.

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Fiesta XR2 - pile of **** that smoked more than a BBQ

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