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Insured Through Admiral Or Elephant? Read This!

Captain Colonial

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Cheeky sods!


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Saw that earlier!

I think that speeding should be on a separate system.

Fined £5 for every mph over speed limit. End of. But that stays on record for 90 days. If in that 90 days caught again and it doubles 90 days starts again. Caught again it's double the last one, get caught 5 times in 90 days of last offence then a 90 ban.

Insurance should be BHP multiplied by something relative to value, divided by something relative to risk of where car's kept/driven, multiplied by something relative to driver experience (or lack of).

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Bell Insurance, part of the same group, won't insure anybody unless they have a black box fitted now...

It's almost like they are trying todo themselves out of business.

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Crafty bu**ers, just changed Insurers to Kwik Fit and they have or tried to load me for an accident which was a no blame and no claim job early this year. I thought it reasonable to inform my present insurer that the woman who bent my motor was paying for it and I most definitely wasn't lodging a claim. When I was about to renew Kwik fit rang up to provide a quote, I thought PITA phone call. Anyhow there overall payable premium is £220 less than that quoted to continue. When they stated they would need to load me I just said I wished to end the discussion right there and then, the lady went away and even though they had loaded me they applied a heavier discount and it came out cheaper still. Cheeky monkeys, it appeared that every time I queried or called back they would reduce the premium it went in about 5 stages from an initial £346 to £286. So overall very pleased, and quess what my original insurer and the new one are yep you guessed it the same company. What a crock of sh*te when they can basically try to overcharge me by almost 80% I guess its the brokers charges but which great glass building in Londons Docklands am I financing today.

As for the speeding bit a spokesman for the police, I believe, said that you don't need to tell the insurance company. However if they have asked a straight question have you attended a speeding awareness course thingy you have to answer it or else they can void your cover for deliberately not answering a question, balls in a vice I guess. But absolutely wrong. Another prime example of rip off Britain. As for votes for prisoners don't get me started.

Bob :angry:

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Insurance companies are just legal muggers IMHO, I have always found that they always try to put up premiums even if it doesn't make sense.

I have a suzuki Jimny for winter my cover came back and I found it had soft top on the policy. I phoned up said its a hard top and the premium went up! I said "why" got "oh there are a variety of reasons the policy goes up"

I said "name one reason why a hard top is more to insure than a soft top when my kitcar is more to insure because it IS a soft top"

they said "why do you think the policy should go down"

I said "cos I could steal or get into a soft top far easier than a hard top, all I need is a stanley knife"

No response....

What really winds me up is the ncd. I've have full NCD on bike, and car for years ie over 20 years worth - its worth 5. When it came to insuring a second car none of that counted I got a "discount" and a two year deal that I would get "full ncd" after clean driving for two years. Beggars belief!

Then when a tw@t ran into my bike whilst I was in a chip shop. They devalued the bike (which was in mint condition) so they told me "If you don't accept our offer we will write off the bike and pay £blah" which was a fraction of what it would cost to replace. Ended up with scratched fairing etc. and me taking the "hit" in price due to someone else's fault and their insurance company.

Sorry rant over, have a nice Sunday

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I'm insured with Admiral on my BMW. I don't remember being asked about having attended a speed awareness course (which I haven't) in addition to the usual claims and convictions stuff. It's due in January so I'll be interested to see how they phrase it.

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In the dim distant past when insurance companies were mutual we didn't have this nonsense.


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