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Woodworking Machinery. Anyone Know Prices?

Norman Verona

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A friend has a 6 hp router with a wood transporter and all the cutting discs. It's hardly been used and never professionally.

He paid 15,000€ for the machine and another 5,000€ for all the cutting tools. It's 3 phase.

Anyone got any idea what it's worth?

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Could get some of those gloves from a medieval suit of armor.....

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Does now one know about woodworking machinery?

Are you going to let me down. I thought we collectively knew about everything.

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You want the Morgan owners club for this one, I think. ;):laugh:

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Ah, a guillotine. Used in England about 200 years before a Frenchman invented it to chop the aristocracies heads off.

Now that's a thought.If all the ash trees die what will Morgan use. Oak?

It's a router. The type pronounced "rouwter", the other type collects data from the internet and distributes it.

I've looked on the internet but can't find the one he has which is a MiniMax

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Norm second hand woodworking machinery usually goes for very low prices.

The router is it an overhead one? ie: does it have a table, and the router head and moter is supported over the centre, so you set up a fence to guide the workpiece as you slide it along the table, and you can either adjust the height of the router head for the depth of your cut, or with a foot lever you can plunge the router head into the workpiece in the desired place?

Have I made to too technical or can you see what i mean?

If it is an overhead router, it's a very versatile and usefull piece of kit in the right hands.

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I've looked on the internet but can't find the one he has which is a MiniMax

You mean like this one


you need to search using "minimax overhead router"

Is yours is a fixed heador a moving head? cos if it's a moving head then you will need some method of controlling the movements,

ie: as in CNC then you will need a special piece of software and learn how to use it

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Paul, I found that one but it's not like that. So far all I've seen is from across a workshop as it's surrounded by other stuff. It is a big square box, not like the one a MWM. I'm due to go over tomorrow and get to it, give it a clean and take photos. I'll report back then.

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Sounds a cracking bit of kit, Norm. What is the spec? What has he made with it?

It's a long story (everything from me is long).

He bought it through his business before it went broke. He was allowed to keep it. But he's only used it a few times. He has a big planer but wants a bigger one (don't we all!). So his idea is to sell this and buy a bigger planer. He did explain but it goes over my head. I know about cars and metalwork, wood is a mystery.

If I feel well enough tomorrow, I'll go and sort it out, give it a clean and get some photo's and find out exactly what it is. He did say it was a router. he also says it has a transport system and a dozen or so cutting wheels. He showed me one and says it cost over a thousand Euros.

Leave it with me.

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