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Police Commisioner Election

Rusty Nuts

Police Commisioner election  

31 members have voted

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I kinda agree with these type of elections but not when they post the candidets Political party allegience. Police Commisioners should be completely unbiased and politics free.

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So, assuming there's an independent standing, vote for him/her.

I suspect the whole thing will not produce what the public want. However if it was the Chief Consatble being voted for from a selection of senior officers we may get what we want.

And what is it most want? Maybe a Police FORCE and not another branch of social services.

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i was shocked to hear that the salary in one region of the UK for this job was £85,000 per annum and it is a job the bloke is going to do in his spare time!!! Why do we pay chief constables so much money if they need an £85k shoulder monkey to check if they are doing it right.....

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I voted for the independent candidate, but he got eliminated in the first round (Leicestershire). If there hadn't been an independent candidate, I would not have voted.

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and I can't vote so why don't we go for a pint or 6.

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I voted and I know who won. Suffice to say the Labour candidate lost his deposit 'cos his manifesto was lot and lots more speed cameras.

Nice sketch on Radio 4 just now - if we are getting police commissioners does that mean we get Batman next?

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its all b*****k* who gives a chuff ,waste of time money blah blah blah

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Nice to see you back wuv :d

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Think I heard on tv news that the exercise cost £75Million

What a waste of money which could have gone to much better causes

I could not be arsed to vote!

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There was one poling station where no votes were cast at all in Wales!!

And with 6 pole clerks at one locally, there were just 100 votes cast over 15 hours... One boring day, but over £1,000 of our money spent on wages/fees for pole clerks alone, without counting any rent for building and cost of keeping all kids off school.

What a waste of money.

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It was an utter shambles. The person who won here wasa woman called Mountstevens, she used to be a director of a bakery business that went bust, she is to now oversee the police budget.

Nothing will change except there is now £85k less to spend on coppers.

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welcome back SteveD :-) have they jump started you?

:laugh: it was just my battery wuv , seriously i feel like S*** warmed up ,kidneys are trying to escape and i think me heart left wednesday,and yesterday i pulled a lung lifting a wheel :cry::yes:

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